Why Do You Have To Take Your Dog For A Walk Every Day?

Why should I take my dog ​​for a walk every day?

We know how important it is to take the dog out every day. Walking, however, is an activity that requires regularity and also some discipline.

Why should I take my dog ​​out regularly?

  • It is his main source of exercise. No matter how much space you have at home, in the yard or in the garden, walking your dog should be your main source of exercise; there are no other activities that can replace it. It must be taken into account that a dog needs to walk every day for half an hour to an hour. It is indispensable because it helps him to burn the accumulated energy and to receive all the benefits of physical activity. In doing so, the owner also keeps himself active, dynamic and healthy.
  • Improve the dog-owner relationship. The easiest way to strengthen the bond with your four-legged friend is to take him for a walk every day. If you do it right, you will consolidate your leadership; Also, strange as it may seem, you will help the dog gain more confidence in you. Ultimately the dog is more obedient because he respects you more.
  • Walking is a necessary entertainment for the dog . The daily walk is a good way to stimulate the animal mentally and physically. A bored dog tends to engage in destructive behaviors, to be anxious, to bark a lot, and in some cases, to be aggressive. The alternative to constantly scolding him is to take him for a nice walk.
  • Strengthen your discipline and refine your training. The habit of daily walking gives more stability to the dog’s discipline and your leadership. If done correctly, this is a very important opportunity to review the training; walking involves the execution of several commands: walk close to the owner, adapt the pace to his speed, stop and sit down before crossing the road, etc. In this sense, it is necessary to know how to alternate moments of discipline with phases of idleness.
  • Help your friend socialize with other dogs. If your four-legged friend is having a hard time relating, walking alongside other dogs is a great way to help. A good idea may be to organize a small group for a walk, involving neighbors or friends who have a dog.
  • It helps him maintain a healthy weight. When the animal is overweight, it is more likely to get sick. Walking will keep him fit. In addition to keeping him at his ideal weight, you will help him digest better and avoid constipation problems.
  • Facilitates sleep. Getting tired allows the dog to eat and sleep better. 

How long should a walk with the dog last?

There is no set time, however the best solution is to go out at least three times a day, dividing the duration in a balanced way. In this way, the dog has the opportunity to do his business on a regular basis. It makes no sense, for example, to take a long walk in the morning and then not go out for the rest of the day.

The length of the walk also varies according to the character of the dog. If the animal is very dynamic and likes to go outside, we will have to devote more time to it, so that it can burn energy. When, on the other hand, the dog is quiet or over the years, the interminable walks will probably not be appreciated.

What to do during the walk?

It is important that the walks are regular and also that they entertain our friend. Among the things that dogs love to do on the walk are:

  • Smell and smell. As we know, smell is the most developed sense a dog has and needs to be exercised often. What better time than the walk?
  • Make contact with members of the same species. Socializing with other dogs brings tons of benefits.
  • Play: activity that is good for the animal and the owner.
  • Change environment. Like people, our furry friends also like to know new places; then, green light for unseen gardens and nature walks.

Where we go?

This depends on the area where you live, mountains, big cities, small town near the sea.  In any case, it is always better to have a certain choice of destinations. The level of stimulation offered by the novelty will certainly be greater than the unchanged paths or the usual places.

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