What Should The Medicine Case For Your Dog Contain?

What should the medicine case for your dog contain?

Even if we hope that nothing will ever happen to our pet, it is always better to be foresight, so that we can act quickly in situations that can put their health or even their life at risk. To this end, today we reveal to you what must never be missing in your dog’s medicine case.

The importance of the medicine case for your dog

It must be borne in mind that having the suitcase well supplied will allow you to solve not only some minor issues that do not require veterinary intervention, but also to act quickly in any emergency, waiting for the arrival of professional care.

It happens that our dear furry friends, in addition to presenting sudden signs of illness to be treated with some urgency, can also be exposed to different situations that cause pain, both at home and outside. Eg:

  • Bites
  • Poisoning caused by various substances
  • Bocconi that go sideways
  • Burns
  • Cuts
  • Accidents on the street

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What must not be missing in the medicine case for your dog

Before starting to fill the case, please note that all products must be approved for veterinary use. Remember that your pet is not a person, but a dog: it has a different pH, just as its metabolism is different. Therefore, disinfectants and drugs must be intended for animals and, if necessary, consult an expert, so as not to include elements that could harm your furry friend.

Having made the necessary clarifications, here is what must not be missing in a case of medicines for dogs:

  • Gas, sapphires, bandages and plasters
  • Disinfectants
  • Analgesics and anti-inflammatories
  • Medicines against diarrhea
  • An unbreakable quick-reading thermometer (rectally switchable)
  • Physiological solution (for cleaning the eyes)
  • Scissors suitable for cutting bandages
  • Latex or plastic gloves
  • Vomiting stimulator (may be hydrogen peroxide)

Other items to include in your dog’s medicine case

A full case should contain:

  • Specific pliers for removing ticks
  • A syringe for administering drugs in liquid form
  • Nail clipper
  • Pesticides

In addition, the medicine case must be prepared thinking about the characteristics of the animal and trying to predict what health problems it might encounter. Eg:

  • A solution for cleaning the ears, especially if your dog has long or drooping ears.
  • An ointment or similar substance, to relieve various skin irritations.
  • Antihistamines for animals against insect bites, especially wasps.

Further advice

Also consider the following aspects, relating to the case itself:

  • Always keep it tidy, so you can find things quickly in an emergency.
  • Periodically check the status and expiration date of drugs and so on.
  • Store it in a safe but still easily accessible place.

In addition, it is advisable to set up a second suitcase intended for travel in the company of your four-legged friend, especially for long trips or holidays.

Then, above all, do not forget to clearly mark the telephone numbers of your trusted veterinarian for emergencies.

Learn about animal first aid


It is equally important to know what to do with these tools, in case your furry friend needs assistance.

Therefore, it is important that you sign up for a first aid course for animals which, among other things, will train you on:

  • Control of vital signs
  • Cardiovascular resuscitation
  • Help with choking, especially when something goes wrong
  • Identification and reaction to shock signals
  • Wound cleaning and bandaging
  • Splinting of fractures
  • Treatment of bites
  • Actions to be implemented in case of gastric torsion
  • Control of the animal’s body temperature

    Keep in mind that there are many veterinary hospitals that provide this type of training.

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