What Is The Best External Pesticide?

There are many types of external pesticides on the market, including collars, pipettes and sprays. We guide you in choosing the right one for your pet.
What is the best external pesticide?

Adopting an animal carries a series of responsibilities regarding its health and in general its care. In addition to having to guarantee them an accurate feeding and all our love and attention, it is also important to protect them from parasites, for example by using an external pesticide.

Among the fundamental attentions that must be implemented we naturally find vaccines, as well as the elimination of parasites, both internal and external, which is indispensable.

The use of an external or internal pesticide serves to effectively prevent and fight any type of parasite that can affect our animal. This is why it is important to always choose the best products for quality and effectiveness.

Here are some tips to choose the best external pesticide for our dog.

External parasites in animals

The external parasites of animals are those that live on the skin or in their fur. The most common are fleas, lice, ticks and flying insects. Most of these are harmless and only cause mild itching and discomfort; some, however, can give rise to even serious affections.

The fact that parasites are not seen does not mean that they do not exist. When they are very few, it is difficult to spot them at first glance. If, on the other hand, they immediately catch your eye, it means that the infestation is already advanced and will be more difficult to cure.

The danger of external parasites

Parasites can be very annoying for our four-legged friends, causing more or less serious disturbances depending on the type of parasite and how widespread it is. In general, with their bites they cause itching and irritation to the skin. They can also cause important and severe dermatological diseases.

Tick ​​on the skin

The most serious problems are linked to the transmission of even serious diseases, some of which can lead to the death of the animal.

External parasites are often vectors of diseases such as erlichiosis, leishmaniasis, filariasis and feline infectious anemia, among others. They are transmitted by puncture to the final host, which can be an animal or a human.

One of the most common diseases in animals caused by external parasites is allergic dermatitis. This is caused by the animal’s allergic reaction to the bite of a parasite, usually fleas.

This skin disease of the animal causes him great irritation leading him to scratch himself without remedy, sometimes causing himself major injuries.

External pesticide: the various types

When it comes to external parasites, the best approach we can take is to prevent rather than cure. In fact, once the infestation is in an advanced state, treating it is much more difficult. For this reason we advise you to periodically use external pesticides to be applied on dogs and cats to avoid the arrival of unwanted guests.

Before choosing a product it is necessary to understand well against which types of parasites it acts and for how long. It is also important to verify that the product contains insecticide and not only repellent; doing so will guarantee you the elimination of parasites and not just the removal.

Dog given an external pesticide

The external products to eliminate parasites are many and varied. The main and most effective are collars, pipettes and sprays.

Flea and parasite collars are very comfortable and last between three and eight months. Pipettes for external use are a relatively new product and usually require monthly administration. Applying them is quick and easy.

Finally, the sprays are external pesticides with immediate action. More than to prevent an infestation, they are recommended in case your dog or cat already has fleas, lice or ticks. To apply them you need to have a lot of care and patience, but they are very effective.

How to choose the best external pesticide?

There is a wide variety of external pesticides on the market at different prices. Choosing the cheapest ones, however, is not always the best idea; products of dubious efficacy and origin can be harmful to our animals.

It is important to remember that these products are based on powerful chemicals, which is why it is always recommended to consult your veterinarian before using them.

The best pesticide can vary from case to case, depending on whether the animal is a dog or a cat, based on age, on the place where we live (urban or countryside area), based on the season of the year … And, of course, also depending on which product your pet tolerates most.

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