What Are The Special Care Of The Hairless Egyptian Cat?

What are the special care of the hairless Egyptian cat?

Better known as the Sphynx, this is one of the most fascinating and beloved cat breeds. Although its homeland is Canada, in fact, it is possible to find specimens in many parts of the world. If you want to adopt one, you cannot help but know the special care of the Egyptian cat.

Being devoid of hair, this tender and docile cat needs a series of specific attentions that we will reveal to you in this article. If you’ve always wondered what special lecures are for the hairless Egyptian cat , read on!

What is the hairless Egyptian cat like?

On more than one occasion we have talked about this animal which, being very different from other breeds, has earned the admiration of many, provoking repulsion in others. This is due to its main feature which, as you can see in the photos, is the absence of hair.

It is believed to be native to Egypt, hence the name Sphynx, although the first farms arose in Canada about 50 years ago. The Egyptian cat is hairless due to a natural genetic mutation, but this does not affect the character or the health of the animal.

There are two varieties of this breed: one European (with a taller and longer cat) and the other American (with a more pronounced and compact nose).

The allowed colors are: chocolate, red, cream, purple and gray, among others. Their eye color also varies, depending on the specimen, and must be yellow, green, blue or brown. From an aesthetic point of view, this breed is quite heterogeneous with respect to face and body characteristics.

five Egyptian hairless cats on the sofa

The character of the Sphynkx is calm and affectionate, and even if at times it seems to have a bad aspect, due to the typically frowning muzzle, it is an absolutely harmless animal. It is perfect as a pet, even with children, because patience is one of its virtues.

Special care of the Egyptian cat: the skin

Just as pet fur requires a range of care, it is logical to think that a hairless cat will have a much more exposed skin to possible problems. Therefore, you will have to take care of it very carefully.

Hair is often essential to protect the cat from the climate, as well as from multiple external agents. Therefore, one of the Egyptian cat’s special care has to do with maintaining its ideal body temperature. This domestic feline  has a slightly higher temperature than other cats, around 38-39 degrees. Therefore, especially in winter, it will be necessary to guarantee it sufficient heat.

The sun is the main enemy of this breed, so you will need to be careful to protect it with sufficient shade, sunscreen and minimize exposure. The skin of the Egyptian cat can suffer from rashes and burns like and more than that of humans.

If you take your cat for a walk, always walk through areas with plenty of shade. If you keep it on a terrace or in the garden, make sure it always has a small house or kennel in which to protect itself from the sun’s rays. On very hot and sultry days, however, it is better to keep it indoors.

Egyptian cat with sweater

Hygiene is also part of the Egyptian cat’s special care. Having no hair, his body works harder to maintain his body temperature and, therefore, produces more sweat than other cat breeds. This could cause bad body odor and promote unpleasant allergies or skin irritations. If you have adopted a Sphynx, therefore, you will have to wash it more frequently.

Other special skin care for the Egyptian cat

Cleaning the house, the kennel, as well as accessories and toys, is essential to keep your Egyptian cat healthy. Your kitty, without fur protection,  will be increasingly  exposed to bacteria, parasites or infections caused by excessive dirt.

Feed can also directly affect this animal’s skin. Therefore, the ideal is to buy a type of cat food that has been developed for this breed and that will include all the necessary nutrients to strengthen its immune system.

Water and moist baby food will help the Sphynx stay well hydrated at all times, a sine qua non  to keep her skin healthy, glowing and in good condition.

A very delicate area of ​​the skin, to which you must pay the utmost attention, is that of the eye area. Since they do not have eyelashes, this area is not protected against various types of external agents. Check it every day and clean it with gauze whenever you feel it is necessary.

If you want to adopt a hairless Egyptian cat, you will soon discover that it is an ideal pet for the whole family. Take good care of it and follow the advice we have given you in this article, so that your kitty lives healthy, happy and for as long as possible.

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