Treating Bad-smelling Gases In Dogs

Treating bad-smelling gases in dogs

If the house is suddenly invaded by a bad smell and everyone starts looking at each other for the culprit, there is a possibility that your dog is responsible. Of course, for him it is the natural event that it is, he is not ashamed as it happens to us humans and expels the air without becoming complex, wherever he is. Today we are giving you some tips on how to treat the problem of smelly gas in dogs.

Main causes of foul-smelling gas in dogs

You must keep in mind that the problem of flatulence in dogs can also be very serious if you do not try to solve it. In addition to unpleasant odors, it is very likely that the animal also suffers from intestinal discomfort and, in extreme cases, from gastric torsion, which could result in death.

The causes of foul-smelling gases in dogs are varied. Between these:

dog looks at bowl of treats

  • The type of power it receives. Some foods can promote slow and heavy digestion, especially in the case of foods rich in carbohydrates and fiber.
  • If the animal eats too quickly, it can ingest too much air, which promotes the accumulation of gas in the stomach. This situation typically occurs in homes with more than one dog. For fear that his companions will steal his food, the dog hurries to eat it.
  • Some respiratory and hepatic diseases and the presence of intestinal parasites.

Other reasons that cause foul-smelling gas in dogs

Other reasons why a dog can suffer from gas can be:

  • Lifestyle. Sedentary animals, which do not get enough physical activity, have a tendency to suffer from flatulence. If your dog is going through a stressful situation, it can be a factor that causes him to suffer from gas.
  • The age of the animal. For example, puppies have a greater tendency to suffer from gas, as they are very anxious at feeding time. The breathing difficulties of older dogs also favor the formation of flatulence.
  • The race. In the case of brachycephalic dogs, those with a short muzzle, such as the Bulldog or the Pug, the bad occlusion of the jaws does not allow them to chew food well, making them ingest more air.

How to solve the problem of smelly gas in dogs?

To prevent bad-smelling gases in dogs, then, we should provide them with a good quality meal that helps facilitate digestion.

For brachycephalic dogs there are also specific mixes, designed specifically so that they are forced to chew longer and swallow less air.

 However, if you  prefer a home diet, consult your veterinarian or an animal nutrition specialist to find out how to provide them with a diet that does not promote gas formation.

Other options for preventing foul-smelling gases in dogs

Below we give you other tips that can help solve the problem of canine flatulence:

  • Special feeders to prevent the dog from ingesting food too quickly.
  • If you have more than one dog, feed them separately. They will be less anxious and ingest food more slowly.
  • Distribute the daily ration in several portions.
  • Increase physical activity with more frequent or longer walks, or with more games.

What to do if the problem persists?

shar pei dal veterinario

If the flatulence persists despite having followed these precautions, or if it should even increase in intensity and you notice that the animal has abdominal discomfort or pain, it is likely that the cause is a food intolerance or a disease to be diagnosed.

In these cases, do not delay to consult a veterinarian to avoid major health problems for your pet. The doctor will find the reasons behind the problem and will indicate the appropriate treatment according to the diagnosis.

However, remember not to scold your four-legged friend when he expels the gas, however smelly they are.

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