Traveling With Your Dog: Yes Or No?

Traveling with your dog: yes or no?

If you own one or more pets, sooner or later, you will have to face the question of whether to travel with them or not.

Is it possible to go on vacation with your dog? Or is it too problematic? We will try to answer these and other questions in the following article. Let’s see together advice and points of view on this interesting debate that affects us all.

A world that is increasingly  pet friendly

Viaggiare con il proprio cane si o no

Compared to the past, today the reality of things has changed a lot. Both in Italy and in many other countries, in fact, there are more and more receptive centers that allow dogs and cats to be welcomed. The market has adapted to a need that many masters requested. If you have a pet, it is normal to want to spend time together even on vacation.

This new and more modern pet friendly world today offers many alternatives, in the various sectors of travel and tourism. For example at the level of:

  • Means of transport
  • Hotels, agritourisms and B&B
  • Restaurants, bars and cafes
  • Public spaces such as museums, offices, cinemas …

It’s nice to travel with an animal, as long as it doesn’t get stressed

We can certainly say that, once the accessibility and services of the pet accommodation centers have been verified, traveling with your dog is certainly possible. And not only that, it is also a great experience if you visit places surrounded by nature.

Obviously, however, as always, owners must first of all worry about aspects such as the health and well-being of their pet. Traveling is stressful for humans and can be stressful for cats and dogs too. We are talking above all about travel, by car, train or perhaps by plane.

The problems relating to medium and long distance travel should not be underestimated. It is never pleasant to be placed in a carrier or in a cage, ending up spending a lot of time in solitude, while everything moves  suddenly, without being able to understand something.

The best advice we can give you, first of all, is obviously to gradually accustom your dog to small movements, so that traveling is as less traumatic as possible.

Before traveling, visit the vet

Regardless of the situations of anxiety, loss or stress that your pet may suffer from, it is always convenient to visit the doctor before traveling. Especially if we know that you will be away for a long enough period, like a week or two.

The veterinarian will have to check the general health of the animal and establish or verify if there are any impediments or contraindications with respect to the journey the dog is about to undergo. There are some elements that can jeopardize the possible holiday, such as:

  • The age. Puppies and older specimens are very sensitive to movement.
  • Any diseases.
  • Convalescence from minor interventions or therapies.

If the doctor gives you the okay to travel with your pet, remember to bring all the necessary documentation with you (vaccines, health card …). It is also your duty to inform yourself about the best ways to transport the animal, in order to always guarantee maximum safety.

What to do if you cannot travel with your dog?

Traveling with your dog yes or no

Eventually, for health or other reasons, in case you can’t bring your pet with you, a backup plan needs to be devised. If you have no friend or family member to entrust the dog to, you can leave it at a specialized facility. A hotel or canine residence, where, however, there is a risk that the animal may get stressed or sick.

However, no fear, luckily there are other alternatives. Thanks to the Internet, new professional profiles have been created over the years. For example, we are talking about capable and prepared dog sitters who will be happy to take care of your four-legged friend. Surely you will also find someone close to your home.

To be able to choose the best or the best dog sitter, simply check the feedback and comments of other users. In many cases, this service is sponsored by companies that have also taken out insurance. In addition, to avoid possible misunderstandings, it  is always worth getting to know these professionals in person.

Avoiding doing everything at the last moment, visit the dog sitter accompanied by your dog and observe the main details. How it treats the animal, its ways, visit the house and the areas where it will be housed, ask specific questions and always remember to find an agreement about food and toys. A good idea is to leave the dog sitter with baby food, toys and even the home bowl. During your absence, your dog will feel safer when surrounded by familiar objects and smells.

A really good way to go on holiday without any particular worries.

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