Tips For Raising A Golden Retriever

You will need to spend a lot of time training your Golden Retriever and, to do so, you will need to leverage positive reinforcement and put all of your patience to work.
Tips for Raising a Golden Retriever

If you are interested in breeding a Golden Retriever, you need to know that there are a lot of things to consider. Starting, for example, with a balanced diet, effective training and an effective exercise routine. Without forgetting, of course, the spaces and the essential equipment to carry out these activities.

Large in size, handsome and with a personality like no other dog, the golden retriever is cheerful, docile, friendly. He loves sharing all the moments of his life with people and welcomes everyone with affection in his “home”. Even if it is a thief … But, like all animals, it needs attention and care. Find out how to  raise a Golden Retriever. 

Are you really ready to adopt a dog?

There are many stories of families adopting puppies in a hurry, only to abandon them to their fate a few weeks later. The reasons can be many. The little dog urinates and defecates all over the house, destroys personal items and furniture, or it turns out that as he grows up he will become much larger. Keep in mind that a dog, however small, carries many responsibilities.

As with young children, raising a dog requires a lot of time, patience and persistence. This is why, before deciding whether to adopt a pet, you must ask yourself what you are willing to do for him, for his health and well-being.

As beautiful, sweet and intelligent as he is, no Golden Retriever is ” born learned “. And even your specimen will go through a series of very delicate stages, before being able to obey your commands. In addition to giving him food and drink, you will have to spend money on the microchip, veterinary care, any medicines and a whole series of essential accessories. To this, it will also be necessary to add time and, above all, a lot of love.

Adult golden retriever lying down with his tongue out

The importance of the kennel

This is precisely the  first environment in which your new four-legged friend will learn to move and behave. It is a protected and safe place, suitable for transmitting the first rudiments of coexistence, facilitating good habits of hygiene, nutrition and rest.

Breeding a Golden Retriever: start early

Many people are mistaken thinking that a few commands are enough, taught to the “least worst” way, to be able to properly manage a dog of this size. It is not enough to have a good heart, to be caring and attentive to be able to transmit to the animal everything it will need to carry on a healthy coexistence.

Unless you have a long experience in this area, the best thing to do is to rely on professionals. We are talking about dog trainers and canine educators who have the right knowledge to speed up and improve the breeding of your Golden Retriever (and many other breeds). Of course, they are people who have dedicated their lives to this, they are trained and who will be able to reveal useful tricks and tips to train your four-legged friend quickly and, above all,  without making mistakes.

Of course, this does not mean that the full weight of training falls on the shoulders of these specialists. In fact, it is not enough to go 2 or 3 times a week to the dog center to complete this path. It will be you who, every day, will have to insist, repeat and continue the training. You will spend a lot of time training your Golden Retriever, and to do so, you will need to leverage positive reinforcement and put all your patience to work.

Golden retriever puppy

Understanding how the dog’s mind works

Golden retrievers are known for their intelligence and are very easy to train. The book The Everything Golden Retriever Book  of 2004, explains that it is possible to improve the learning ability of the puppy with frequent interactions and guaranteeing always a challenging environment. Giving him interactive and always new toys is an excellent idea that you will need to integrate the daily training phases.

There are special lessons dedicated to puppies that will be fundamental for raising an absolutely serene, balanced and obedient adult dog. In addition to these courses, it is also good to participate in exercises and tests outside the normal hours. In fact, stimulating the animal to the maximum is the only way to obtain results in a coherent way and able to last over time.

Take care of his health

Raising a Golden Retriever also means taking care of their health. A high quality diet will be essential to ensure your puppy’s development. Periodic visits to the vet are also fundamental. Take him to a specialist as soon as possible or as soon as he turns 10 weeks old.

The vet will perform a thorough examination, checking the eyes, ears, stomach, heart and lungs. In addition, it will analyze the vaccine registry. Initially, the one against distemper, adenovirus, parvovirus and parainfluenza will be administered.

After this initial visit, subsequent visits will be scheduled respecting a certain frequency. In this way, the puppy will be monitored continuously. Usually we go from two views per month to annual checks. Follow these tips for raising a Golden Retriever and you will have a healthy and strong pet.

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