Things To Consider Before Getting A Cat

Things to consider before getting a cat

Although cats are independent creatures by nature, they are unable to take care of themselves. If you are planning to take this type of feline as a pet, it is important that you know some information about it first, so that you can adapt your lifestyle to your new friend.

Even if they are independent they need your attention


Cats are known to be independent and only seek your attention when they want to. However, there are some aspects that need to be paid attention to and which cannot be ignored. If you are a person who spends most of your time away from home, getting a cat can be much more comfortable than getting a dog. However, he will need you to feed him and clean the spaces he passes through, such as his bathroom.

On the other hand, even if it is hard to believe, cats also like to be in company, and if you are away from home too long they will point it out to you. This is why it is important that you spend time with them, interacting and enjoying their company. Several studies have actually shown that a cat’s happiness depends on meeting its emotional needs, and this is achieved through human interaction, companionship and mental stimulation.

As far as their health is concerned, cats don’t need too much attention. Of course you will have to have them checked periodically and you will have to respect the vaccination schedule. Get them to exercise regularly and play a few minutes each day.

If your cat spends a lot of time outside, he will run the risk of getting fleas, so check him often and in that case apply the pesticides that your vet will recommend.

Nutrition in cats is of vital importance. The amount of food depends on your cat’s age and physical activity. However, it is recommended to always feed him twice a day, and always leave plenty of fresh water available.

Felines are clean animals, they hate being dirty and get depressed if their spaces aren’t cleaned regularly. For this reason we advise you to comb your cat regularly, always leaving him a clean space to do his needs.

They love sheets of paper

If you usually leave papers lying around the house, be careful. Cats love to play with sheets of paper, and often use them to get the owner’s attention.

So if you are messy, remember after paying a bill or reading other important documents that it is good to place them in a place out of the reach of your cat. Otherwise you may have to search for them for hours and run the risk of finding them in pieces.

They are very brave

Although it might seem strange, cats are courageous creatures and always ready to defend their owners. On more than one occasion we have learned of stories in which these adorable felines have been able to save the lives of their owners. Do not doubt it: your cat will always be ready to help you.

They express affection in a “particular” way

To show affection, one of cats ‘favorite methods is to bite or scratch their owners’ hands. Another way of expressing their love is by kneading with their paws towards your belly, an action that is often accompanied by purring.

Cats love crates and bags


That’s right, cats love to slip into boxes, crates and bags. Probably this behavior is due to the fact that cats often look for safe and protected places where no one can disturb them and where they do not feel threatened. So, rest assured that if some of these objects are found nearby, they will surely be favored by your little friends.

They are great athletes

Don’t be surprised if you come home one day and don’t find your cat. Felines are great athletes and excellent acrobats, probably they will have been hunted over a door, or in a place where you cannot reach them. Anything is possible with these animals.

Flies are one of their favorite dishes

Cats are animals with strong hunting instincts, but in the absence of large prey, flies tend to be an acceptable option for domesticated felines. They will do whatever it takes to catch them, jumping and flying through the air until they catch them. For sure, following their thousand pirouettes they will want to share their booty with you, a tasty tidbit for cats but not so appetizing for us.

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