Things The Dog Hates And Maybe You Don’t Know

Living with one or more pets generates many sensations and emotions, not only in humans, but also in our four-legged friends. There are things your dog hates that are best known!
Things the dog hates and maybe you don't know

That dogs are man’s best friend is a fact. Our pets are always ready to make us happy every day and to share good times with us. However, there are 5 things your dog hates and maybe you don’t know about you and your routine and maybe you haven’t noticed. Let’s see them together.

5 things the dog hates

Dogs are very intelligent and sensitive animals, so they easily perceive all those stimuli that instead go completely unnoticed for us. Because they mostly use body language to communicate, they are able to “read” our facial expressions, gestures and actions, even if we don’t say a single word.

Since he does not have the gift of speech, it is important to recognize the actions that are bothering the dog and to pay attention to them. The consequence could be the appearance of stress, anxiety and the development of behavioral problems, such as aggression and destructive habits.

To help you improve the bond with your best friend, and therefore avoid coexistence problems, let’s see together the 5 things that the dog hates the most.

Too humane displays of affection

People are used to showing affection with kisses, hugs, etc. But these demonstrations don’t always have a logic in the social interaction of dogs.

Hugging dog
A hug for our dog may seem more like an act of “imprisonment” than a gesture of love. In fact, the vast majority of dogs don’t like hugs.

Dogs love to give and receive love and cuddles, especially with their owners and relatives. However, they have their own way of expressing the appreciation, gratitude, and happiness they feel in enjoying the company of their favorite humans.

Excess of words

For us, oral language is the most important and usual means of communicating our thoughts, feelings and desires. So much so that many of us have a habit of talking to ourselves to think better or prepare an important presentation or event.

Talk to the dog
However, one of the things that the dog hates is the excess of words. As mentioned, dogs primarily use their bodies to communicate, through posture, actions and facial expressions. Oral communication is not the only way to relate to your pet, so we advise you not to overload him with speeches.

This doesn’t mean your dog doesn’t like you when you talk to him, but he expects you to use your body language more to get a message across. To improve bonding and communication with your pet, we recommend that you study your dog’s body language.

Noisy habits and environments

We must always remember that dogs’ senses are more developed than ours, especially hearing and smell. Maybe playing music to sing, dance, or ward off bad vibes can feel liberating or fun.

Fear of dog noises
However, this is one of the things your dog hates the most, as loud noises can scare him or make him feel uncomfortable. For this reason, he hides or feels annoyed in the presence of noisy objects and appliances, such as vacuum cleaners and hairdryers.

Reproaches and punishments, things that the dog hates

Let’s be honest: no one would like to receive screams, punishments or be locked up and humiliated. People don’t like it, and animals don’t like it either. Reproach generates negative emotions in dogs, such as fear, stress and anxiety, which are detrimental to their physical and mental health.

Punishment puppy
Furthermore, violent punishments and methods are very dangerous, as an animal tends to defend itself when it feels threatened. Remember to choose positive reinforcement to educate your dog, and thus encourage his learning and cognitive skills in a balanced way.

The lack of routine

Routine has gained a bit of a “bad reputation” among humans, and is seen as boring. However, the opposite is true for dogs, they don’t like not having a well-defined routine day in and day out.

Lazy dog
Almost all animals need to cling to a routine to feel safer, in order to avoid exposure to unnecessary risks. Of course, dogs are no exception and reap many benefits from a healthy and balanced life.

These good habits should include mealtimes, walks, mental stimulation, rest and, of course, fun. In this way, you will generate a good daily coexistence with your pets.

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