The Moving Farewell Of The Marines To The Dog Cena

The Marines' touching farewell to the dog Cena

The US Marines organized the last farewell to their great friend Cena, a hero dog who shared many years with them during the service they rendered to their country.

We have seen, on many occasions, that these wonderful animals can support and replace humans in a myriad of activities and missions. Some dogs are trained to guide visually impaired people, others are used as rescue dogs, still others to detect disease, drugs or explosives. In short, they are formidable allies to protect man and make his life safer.

Like many of his colleagues, the dog Cena also did an amazing job. In addition to being a good and beloved pet, the help given to the US Marines was essential. This is why the grateful soldiers wanted to offer him the  right homage. Here’s how things went…

Cena, the dog of the Marines

Cena was a ten-year-old dog who devoted part of his life to collaborating with the Marines. He took part in three military missions  in Afghanistan and his duties included detecting explosives and bombs using his very precise sense of smell. On more than one occasion, this four-legged hero  has risked his life to save those of many innocent civilians and forces on mission.

Its host is called Jeff. The soldier recalls that in 2009 he was assigned to Cena after having passed a personality test, carried out to detect aptitudes and personalities in order to work together with this beautiful example of Labrador. “ We were made for each other, ” says Jeff with pride and affection.

Things got worse when the animal began to show signs of pain and suffering. Immediately placed under veterinary supervision, the dog Cena was diagnosed with bone cancer. There was nothing more to be done and euthanasia had to be resorted to.

An incurable disease

Marine Jeff DeYoung spent eight years of his life in close contact with Cena. They were partners in Afghanistan and, once the missions were over, the man decided to adopt it as an aid to overcome the post-traumatic stress of the war. But Cena did a lot more for his friend Jeff.

Cena was a faithful workmate and an inimitable friend. Over the years they’ve spent together, Jeff says the dog has been a staple in his life. It gave him warmth, courage and affection when the war got tougher and more terrible. It was always there, day and night.

Bone cancer, one of the most painful, left this heroic four-legged friend no chance. But, before practicing euthanasia, Jeff decided to organize a truly incredible giveaway.

The last goodbye to the dog Cena

In honor of his beloved dog, the former United States Marine organized a real official ceremony in the city of Muskegon. Both to testify to the dog Cena affection and love but, above all, the great gratitude of an entire country towards a courageous and contemptuous animal.

There were many people who came in honor of Cena, both ordinary citizens and institutions and public representatives. In fact, the ceremony was also attended by:

  • The United States Marine Corps.
  • Michigan police.
  • Muskegon law enforcement.
  • The Muskegon Fire Department.

Needless to say,  the emotion was general and there were really touching moments, in this just as singular ‘goodbye’.

The dog, carried by Jeff, also made a lap of honor in the jeep, on which you could see an inscription with a very profound meaning: ” Rapid intervention team against cancer “. It must be said that any dog ​​who serves for the safety of people  deserves a ceremony of this type.

What we have told you is just another story of affection that these splendid animals constantly show towards man. Dogs are not only perfect friends and playmates, but above all they are formidable allies in the daily life of every man. And, more importantly, they make us more sensitive and good people. Heartfelt thanks, Cena!

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