The First Visit To The Vet

The first visit to the vet

A visit to the vet is one of the first things to plan when a new furry friend arrives home. Because among the responsibilities that you will have to assume when you adopt an animal there is one that is of particular importance: that of taking care of its health.

Whether it’s a puppy or an adult, whether it’s your first pet or the first on a long list, it’s vital that you keep an eye on their health from the very start.

If possible, the ideal would be for the vet to examine the animal even before taking it home. You could thus avoid the transmission of possible diseases, especially if you already have other pets in the house.

In case you are unable to have him examined before his arrival at home, do not let more than a couple of days pass before taking him to the vet : in this short period you will have to monitor the animal in a particular way, so that you can provide the veterinarian with all the necessary information regarding the form in which he eats, if his body is fine or if he has diarrhea etc …

The first visit to your pet’s vet: what it consists of


First of all, it must be said that trust is the basis of any good relationship between doctor and patient : if the veterinarian you contacted does not convince you so much that you entrust the health of your furry friend to him, do not be satisfied just because his study is the one closest to home.

Choose a doctor as scrupulously as you would choose one for yourself or your loved ones. And if the first visit doesn’t satisfy you, don’t throw in the towel: look for an alternative.

Once you have found the right person, keep in mind that during the first visit the veterinarian will carry out a complete check-up on the animal :

  • will check your friend’s body temperature;
  • will monitor heart rate and respiratory rate;
  • finally, it will also palpate the glands.

Your vet will also check the abdomen, bladder and bowels and also check for any motor abnormalities.

If he deems it appropriate, he will have your pet have complementary tests, such as x-rays, urine and stool tests, or blood tests.

In addition to that, your vet will do the following:

  • he will ask you for all the data and details you can give him about your four-legged friend;
  • will create a folder with all the information relating to the animal;
  • will inform you about the vaccination schedule ;
  • will explain how you can keep internal and external parasites under control ;
  • will show you how to provide your furry friend with proper nutrition;
  • depending on the characteristics of your pet and the place where you live, it will show you how to take care of it in the best possible way;
  • most likely, he will apply the identification microchip under his skin.

As for you,  ask him all the questions that come to your mind, in order to be able to take care of your new friend free from any doubts.

Your pet’s first visit to the vet: tips

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Now we want to give you some useful advice to put into practice before the first visit to the vet.

  • Remember to always show up in the veterinary office with a leash. And if the animal in question has behind it episodes of aggression against other animals, it will also be good to put a muzzle on it.
  • If it is a cat or another small animal, the carrier is almost a must : you will reduce the anxiety of your little friend, due to being in a new environment and surrounded by unknown animals. , and at the same time you will prevent it from escaping. In this regard, let your friend out of the carrier only when you have entered the office where the vet visits and you have closed the door : you will save yourself a mad chase for the clinic.
  • Try to make sure that the first check-up does not coincide with a vaccination: this way your friend will not associate the surgery with the idea of ​​pain. I n the final analysis it comes to establish a relationship of mutual trust between doctor and patient, which will be consolidated over time.
  • It will be very useful to make a list with all the questions you want to ask the vet, so you will not forget anything.

Animals offer us their love unconditionally and constantly, making our life happier and more bearable. Our way to reciprocate this affection is to be good masters and behave responsibly, taking care of their well-being from all points of view.

So remember that, after this first checkup visit,  you will need to take him to the vet for routine visits and seek his help whenever your friend has strange symptoms.

This will be a good way to show him all the good you want him to be : certainly your furry friend will be grateful to you.

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