The Collared Parakeet: All About One Of The Best Known Budgies

Exotic and brightly colored, the collared parakeet is also capable of repeating some words.
The collared parakeet: all about one of the best known budgies

The collared parakeet is one of the most popular birds in the world. The reason for its popularity lies in being a favorite of many people as a pet or companion bird.

In this article, we will tell you more about his characteristics and also what needs to be done to take care of him and keep him in excellent health. Let’s discover together the characteristics of the collared parakeet.

Characteristics of the collared parakeet

The beautiful collared parakeet is one of the best known exotic birds. Its beauty, size and sociable temperament have made it a favorite among humans, making it ideal as a companion bird. In addition to its beautiful and vibrant colors, it is able, on many occasions, to articulate a few words.

This parrot is considered an exotic bird from southern China, northern India, and Africa. Although these are the countries of origin, the distribution of this bird is much wider, so it can be found in many corners of the world.

As for the physical characteristics, this parrot is about 40 centimeters long, which is why it is considered a medium-sized bird. On the other hand, its wings can measure up to 50 centimeters when open.

It usually comes in a very bright green, while the legs are gray and the beak is red at the top and black at the bottom.

In addition to the above features, the collared parakeet has a very distinctive mark, which is evident from its name. It has a sort of black and pink collar around the neck. This collar is present only in adult males: neither females nor young males have it.

Characteristics of the parakeet
Another important aspect of these parakeets is their behavior. In general, they are very docile and can learn a few words. In addition, they are noisy and also sociable, so they can live with other species such as parrots and lovebirds. However, it is advisable to always make them live in pairs.

How to take care of it


Feeding the collared parakeet is a key aspect in caring for this parrot. In this sense, it is important to provide him with a diet based on oats, sunflowers, corn, carrots, herbs, among others.

Another interesting option is to make a special blend of parrot seeds. In the case of the chicks, the ideal is to give them some moistened bread, herbs and some cereals.

Behavior of the Collared Parakeet

Collared parakeets like to gnaw, so it is advisable to give them tree twigs so they can meet this need. Another important aspect is to make them live as a couple : in fact, having a partner contributes a lot to their well-being.

On the other hand, it is important to keep these parrots in high places and keep them dry. They also like to cool off with warm water, so it is recommended that you spray them with clean water from time to time.

Psittacula krameri perched on an oak
It is advisable to place a nest inside the cage, they are not in the breeding season, as they love to take refuge inside the nest, especially at night.


This bird prefers warm, dry climates, so it doesn’t get along very well with low temperatures. In these cases it is necessary to offer them the necessary shelter to keep them healthy. It is also important to consult with the vet about the best options for keeping their body at the most appropriate temperature.


Hygiene is another important aspect to consider if you want to adopt the collared parakeet. As with any other pet, it is necessary to keep the place where you live in top condition.

Therefore it is important to clean the cage regularly and once a week to do a deeper cleaning. Likewise, drinking fountains and food tanks need to be disinfected often.

The collared parakeet is one of the best pet birds. The size, behavior and beauty of its feathers make it a perfect ornamental bird.

Finally, it is important to consider that it is a very noisy bird, especially if you have neighbors. Apart from that, he is a very sociable and intelligent animal, so he will always make you feel in company.

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