The American Bulldog, Characteristics And Curiosities

The American bulldog, characteristics and curiosities

We all know the English Bulldog, a goodnatured, chubby-looking dog who always smiles and drools everywhere. Well, few people know that there are at least three other bulldog breeds in the world. Precisely for this reason, in our article today we want to talk about a very close relative of his: the American bulldog .

American Bulldog, the dog of immigrants

The bulldog was one of the breeds imported by immigrants to the United States during the 19th century. In fact, there were many British who came to Ellis Island with their pets. When they settled in the south of the country, immigrants and the inhabitants of the region began to use this breed as a watchdog.

Over time, this animal put aside its fat or bulky appearance to take on a more athletic or dynamic shape , without neglecting the characteristic musculature that distinguishes this breed. They are medium sized dogs, very loyal and very attractive looking.

But don’t be fooled by appearances, because American bulldogs are truly docile animals. Anyone who owns one, given their great sense of loyalty and protection, knows very well that they are guardian animals par excellence.

bulldog americano in un prato
Author: sannse

In addition, they were trained to be great hunters. The plains and prairies of the southern United States were filled with parasites and other animals that damaged the livestock and crops of the new inhabitants.

For a time it was thought that this breed had become extinct due to the constant wars that swept the world during the first half of the 20th century. The breed has been recovered, mainly thanks to the efforts of two breeders: Alan Scott and John D. Johnson.

Physical appearance of the American Bulldog

As mentioned before, American Bulldogs are medium in size and measure between 55 and 60 centimeters on average regardless of gender. They are heavy animals ranging from about 35 to 50 kilograms as far as males are concerned. On the contrary, the females weigh about 30/40 kg.

Morphologically, they have a large and sturdy head similar to that of the pit bull, with a pronounced and broad muzzle. They have thick lips, strong jaws, round eyes of medium size which are quite wide apart. The ears are almost triangular in shape and hang downward.

The body is tall and elongated, with a muscular and hollow chest. It is a very beautiful dog to look at as the paws are in proportion to the rest of the body. The tail is long but, even if it is an operation that we do not agree with, it is often cut. American bulldogs run at a moderate trot, pushing mainly with their hind legs and maintaining a steady pace with no apparent effort.

As for its coat, it is rather short, dry, smooth and very easy to care for. Regarding color, there is a certain predominance of white throughout the body, with some brown, gray and black spots.


Bulldogs are very intelligent dogs, absolutely loyal to their owners and very protective of the environment they defend. One might think that they are a bit unsocial due to these characteristics, but this is just an unjustified inference.

cucciolo di bulldog americano
Author: sannse

If American Bulldogs are taught to interact with other people and dogs at an early age, there will be no problems in the future. Keep in mind that he will always maintain a certain mistrust of strangers.

  • The early socialization process in this dog breed is very important. Better get your American bulldog used to being around people and other animals right away, preferably in large spaces.

They are very docile as we said before, so much so that some of them love to be with children all the time, constantly playing and protecting them. In addition, they have to exercise a lot because of the energy they accumulate. If you force a dog into a too  sedentary lifestyle, it could develop destructive behaviors in the home.

Caring for the American Bulldog

They are relatively healthy dogs, but if the climate undergoes a drastic change, they can suffer serious health consequences. However, they are prone to hip dysplasia due to their large size and weight. Hence, it is recommended that you be constantly vigilant and check for any changes in your four-legged friend’s posture.

You should also beware of skin diseases, as moisture and dirt can accumulate between the dog’s wrinkles. Cleaning becomes essential to prevent the proliferation of parasites and other harmful microorganisms. The presence of ticks and fleas can be avoided with 3/4 brushing a week and respecting the calendar of vaccines and annual deworming.

Remember that it is very important to go to the vet frequently to monitor your dog’s general health. Any change in mood is a warning sign that something is wrong.

There are really many advantages of keeping such a beautiful and faithful breed at home. So, are you ready to adopt an American Bulldog?

Source of images: Ayton-Boulam, Sannse and Atsme

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