Seniors And Dogs: A Demonstrated Symbiosis

We all know that the presence of a dog brings many benefits to the owner’s life. We present several studies that demonstrate this symbiosis between animals and older people. 
Elderly and dogs: a demonstrated symbiosis

We all know that a dog makes the house happy, regardless of the age of the owners. Dogs are energetic, loyal, affectionate and exhibit high levels of interaction, all of which make them ideal pets for making loneliness less difficult. In the following lines we will focus in particular on the relationship between dogs and the elderly.

Few, probably, have ventured to read the scientific evidence that confirms the benefits of a dog in their life, especially when they are elderly.

In this article, we will take a slightly unusual approach, as instead of simply listing the pros of this symbiosis, we will present several studies that objectively confirm the benefits of bonding between dogs and the elderly.

Longitudinal study between dogs and the elderly

This first study investigates the relationship between the physical conditions of older people and the presence of an animal in their daily life:

  • A sample group of over a thousand people over the age of 65 was formed, with one dog or less.
  • Each participant underwent a telephone questionnaire that included questions about demographics and daily conduct. An activity scale of daily living (ADL) was also created, which included actions such as climbing stairs, walking certain distances, performing intense exercises, bending on the knees and adopting certain positions. Finally, the physiological well-being of the individual was quantified on the basis of several questions.
  • People were monitored for a year.

The results are enlightening: the presence of a dog or a cat in the house significantly increased the ADL value of the elderly in general.

It is well known by the scientific community that maintaining an active lifestyle reduces the chances of falls and fractures, as well as slowing down the wear of bones and muscles associated with age.

Anyone who has a dog goes out to take it for a walk, walks, plays and interacts with the animal at different levels. It may seem like a little, but this small daily space to devote to physical activity offers great benefits to the elderly.

Senior with dog on the bench.

Assistance dogs for people with dementia

This second study, published in 2008, seeks to investigate the relationship between animal therapy and the course of dementia in the elderly.

  • A random group of 54 elderly subjects with dementia was formed. One half was assigned normal treatment and the other half a combination of normal treatment and animal assisted therapy (AAT) 10 times per week.
    • The scholars noted each patient’s progress after ten weeks of treatment. Among the quantified variables were observed cognitive difficulties, the presence of states of agitation / aggression and depression associated with dementia.

    In the control group subjected to classical treatment only, the variables listed had increased significantly after the monitoring period. In the group also treated with animal assisted therapy, however, the symptoms had remained constant and no worsening of dementia was noted over time.

    We must be aware of the absence of “magical” treatments to combat these diseases, but discovering that it is possible to keep the variables constant thanks to the intervention of animals represents a huge progress. These results show that animal therapy could curb the symptoms of neuropsychiatric degeneration in the elderly.

    Several studies, one idea

    There are countless studies like the ones presented in this article. For example, another research conducted in 2014 shows us that seniors with dogs achieve an average of 12% more physical activity. 

    The interaction between the elderly person and the animal offers several physical benefits. Like dogs, we too are social animals and need companionship, albeit of another species.

    In many cases, older people feel excluded from a society that is advancing too fast and does not have time to stop and talk. Dogs are loyal, faithful, attentive beings, and most importantly, they understand human emotions and react based on them. 

    The relationship between the elderly and cats and dogs.  Senior with a cat in his arms and dog near.

    There is therefore several scientific evidence supporting the idea that dogs are perfect companions to calm the symptoms caused by isolation, neurodegenerative diseases and physical atrophy, among others.

    If you found this content interesting, we invite you to explore this fascinating topic. You will find many scientific studies devoted to these ideas.

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