Pope Francis And The Animals

Pope Francis and the animals

Already thinking about his name we can understand why Pope Francis is an animal lover. As Saint Francis of Assisi said, they are “younger brothers” and we must show them respect. In this article we tell you more about the relationship between the Supreme Pontiff and all living beings.

Pope Francis: “Animals go to heaven”

In one of his weekly speeches, Pope Francis made an extraordinary statement that drew the attention of lovers of all beings that populate this world. It was also a relief to those who recently lost a beloved animal.

The Pope said that life after death is not only a gift for believers, but also for animals. In his words: “The holy scriptures teach that this wonderful plan encompasses all that surrounds us and that it has been studied by the thought and heart of God.”

Furthermore, in an interview with the Noticias Resapubblica website, he declared that “the sky is open to all creatures. In that place they will receive the joy and love of God, without limits ”.

It is worth emphasizing that Pope Francis’ position in relation to animals is contrary to that of his predecessor (Benedict XVI). Although he loved cats, he said that the existence of animals was limited to their life on earth.

The current Pope is not the first to show a friendly and respectful attitude towards animals. John Paul II, for example, on one occasion said that “the animals had a divine breath”. Francesco chose his name, rightly, in honor of the patron saint of animals. He has already stated in other statements that he is in favor of non-human creatures. In his first homily after being elected Pontiff, he sent a message to the faithful sending them the message to protect all creatures born of the divine.

Pope Francis: “Many are linked to animals but not to their neighbor”

Another of the Pope’s statements in relation to animals has left believers astonished. He complained about those people who feel too much affection for pets but show indifference towards their fellowmen. It happened during a general audience in St. Peter’s Square in front of thousands of people.

“We must be careful and not confuse pity with pity, which is a superficial emotion. How often do we see people taking care of cats and dogs but then failing to help their hungry neighbors? We cannot profess compassion for animals if we are indifferent to the suffering of others ”, said Francis.

This does not mean, of course, that the Pope is against animals (as has already been seen in other statements), but that we should be more equitable in our aid, solidarity and compassion. This means that the Pontiff puts all sentient beings on the same level.

St. Francis of Assisi and the animals

Source: i.tvynovelas.com

He is known as the patron saint of animals and nature and for the love he felt for all creatures that inhabit the Earth. The Saint considered animals as a gift of creation. This is why World Animal Day is celebrated on the day of his death, October 4th.

St. Francis was born in the Italian city of Assisi and belonged to a wealthy family. However, he decided to strip himself of all material riches to serve his fellow men and all living beings. He was surrounded by animals and, it is believed, they obeyed him.

One of the stories related to the Saint indicates that the flocks of swallows followed him continuously forming a cross and that on one occasion when he was going to preach to Alviano, he told them: “Sisters swallows, now it’s my turn to speak”.

On another occasion he tamed a wild wolf by telling him: “Come here brother wolf, I order you in the name of Christ not to harm me or anyone”. And when he went to the mountain to pray, a blackbird warned him that it was the hour of midnight prayer.

Source of images: www.upsocl.com and i.tvynovelas.com

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