Is It Possible To Prevent Cancer In Dogs?

Is it possible to prevent cancer in dogs?

Cancer is an unforgiving disease. And, unfortunately, it affects all animals, even domestic ones. As for humans, however, there are elements on which it is possible to intervene to at least try to prevent this complicated disease.

Being next to a living being that is dying out, little by little, under the slow blows of cancer, is a terrible experience that no one should ever try. So let’s see, for those who care about their dog’s health, some useful advice in this regard.

Preventing Cancer in Dogs

In this article, we will show you some things you can do to try to prevent  cancer  from affecting your pet. Everyone knows the famous proverb ” prevention is better than cure “. Few tricks that require only two things: attention and patience.

Avoid unnecessary vaccines

It is possible to prevent cancer in dogs

Although it may seem counterintuitive, there are vaccines that can promote the onset of cancers. A thesis supported by Purdue University and which, in the end, was endorsed by a series of accurate scientific research. US scientists have shown that certain components found in vaccines can cause serious problems with the dog’s immune system.

Therefore, only vaccinate your pet if :

  • The vaccine is required by law
  • Concrete threats must be prevented
  • All contraindications have been evaluated together with the veterinarian and the use of the vaccine is essential even with calculated risks.

    It is always advisable to contact the specialist and never act  motu proprio . As is the case when your dog has just recovered from a serious illness. Your veterinarian may authorize a delay in vaccination until the animal is fully recovered. An already weak immune system, further tested by the treatment, makes your four-legged friend an easy target for cancer.

    Spaying your dog at the right time

    Some types of cancer can be prevented  with sterilization. Remember the case of Angelina Jolie? In 2013, the famous actress and ex-wife of Brad Pitt, decided to undergo a double mastectomy for the very high risk of contracting breast cancer.

    Deciding to sterilize your four-legged friend means removing parts that are particularly vulnerable to attack by malignant cells. Many dogs suffer from cancer of the genital areas. Therefore resorting to veterinary surgery is one of the best preventions.

    Beware of chemicals …

    Other studies from Purdue University have shown that dogs that have been exposed to chemicals used in gardens and plants for a long time are more likely to suffer from cancer.

    In particular, the pathology of urinary tract carcinoma was highlighted . A manifestation that also appears due to the excessive use of products against fleas and ticks. Remember that there are many home remedies and organic products, perhaps more expensive, but certainly less harmful to your pet.

    … And those for the house

    A multitude of chemicals are used in each apartment . Both for cleaning the house and repellent against insects and other plagues. Sprays, vaporizers, liquids… All contain highly toxic and often volatile elements that can be inhaled by the dog.

    Keep in mind that, in addition to having a more sensitive sense of smell (and therefore being more exposed to these products), your four-legged friend tends to stick his nose all over the place. Special and inaccessible areas must be created to store the products in question.

    Ensuring the well-being of the dog

    It is said that the best defense is offense. Keeping your dog fit helps fight cancer and other diseases. How? The keywords are only two and very easy to remember: balanced diet and daily physical activity.

    Buying organic or better quality food allows the animal to be able to count on an adequate vitamin and protein requirement. Walks, outdoor games and attention are the basis of his well-being.

    Avoid stress

    prevent cancer in dogs

    Few people know that the liver is particularly stressed in stressful situations. This excessive activity results in the release in the body of chemicals that favor some types of cancer.

    This is a much debated topic that has created quite a few controversies. However, we can certainly say that any preventive treatment is more effective in situations of tranquility. So try to give the animal space and time to be able to relieve stress, avoiding exaggerated stresses and situations of anxiety.

    Obviously, the treatment and prevention of cancer must be entrusted to medicine. However, these simple tips will undoubtedly allow you to improve your dog’s physical and mental health. By offering his body the right weapons to fight this terrible disease, which we hope will soon be eradicated.

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