Is It Normal For My Dog ​​not To Bark?

Barking, among the ways that our four-legged friends use to communicate, is the most understandable to human beings. When it gets too much, we desperately look for a way to make our furry friend shut up. But what if the opposite happens? Is it normal for a dog not to bark?

Dogs communicate in various ways

As we said, in addition to barking, dogs use other ways to communicate. It is therefore important that, as responsible masters, we learn to decipher their body language. In this way we will be able to interpret their moods without fear of making a mistake. And we will also know what they need.

But the fact that a dog doesn’t bark definitely seems odd. However, there are some examples that bark little or not at all. And, in general, they are very expressive animals on a body level. It is as if they say everything with their ears or with their tails. For this reason they do not feel the need to express themselves in a sonorous way.

However, for your peace of mind, if your pet is too quiet, the best thing you can do is consult your vet so that they rule out any physical or psychological problems.

Are there breeds that bark less than others?

Dogs that don’t bark don’t necessarily belong to a specific breed. It can also be the case of an animal that barks excessively and another that does not even if they belong to the same breed.

Although Nordic dogs, for example, tend not to abuse barking and prefer to express themselves through howling. Another breed that is predisposed to barking is the Shih Tzu .

There is also the extreme case of the Basenji , a dog that cannot bark because its vocal cords are very similar to those of primitive dogs. For this reason it communicates sonically through high-pitched howls, which some describe as a kind of Tyrolean song.

Other reasons why a dog doesn’t bark

So while we say that not barking in a dog shouldn’t be a problem, and indeed it would be a blessing for you and your neighbors, it’s best to go to your vet. Although in most cases you go to the vet for excessive barking, if your pet is silent it is always preferable to exclude organic causes such as deafness, or possible trauma from abuse.

For example, if you have adopted a dog that was abandoned, the previous owner may have used methods that terrified the animal, such as anti-bark collars or various types of punishments. For this, now he does not bark. In these cases, with a lot of love and patience, and possibly with the intervention of a specialist in animal behavior, it is possible to resolve the situation.

There are also extreme cases where dogs have undergone operations to remove their vocal cords. It is the radical method some people find for solving the problem of excessive barking.

Give your dog time to decide to bark

Another possibility to explain why your dog does not bark is the fact that it is “acclimating”. This is usually the case with dogs coming from shelters or from the street. The fact is that the animal, until it has adapted to the new environment, does not fully show its personality.

As the days go by, the dog will calm down and gain confidence. Then of course you will also begin to hear him bark. It is a matter of time in these cases.

The important thing is that – whether you bark a lot, little or not at all – you love your four-legged friend and take care of him and his education. And that you learn to interpret the various ways it has to communicate.

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