Is It Necessary To Shear Animals In The Summer?

Is it necessary to shear animals in the summer?

Summer is certainly the period that is most characterized by the scorching heat. If there are people and animals who have no problem with these conditions, others simply can’t stand them.

In this situation, many owners decide to shear their animals several times, with the aim of making them feel fresher, just like humans.

Rather than being helpful, this action represents a terrible mistake, a great danger to the health of our dear furry friends. To the surprise of many, both experts and non-experts, animals are not like us in this respect.

For this reason, in continuation we will talk to you about the doubts of many people: whether or not to cut the hair of your pet for the summer.

Do animals need to be sheared during the hot season?


Except in exceptional cases, those indicated by the vet, it is never something advisable to shear dogs and cats in the summer. For one simple reason: the fur of these fantastic animals is a very effective sun protection.

To the surprise of many, the fur of our four-legged friends not only helps them to withstand the cold, but also the heat. In other words, dogs can lie in the sun without any problems.

This is due to the fact that, to combat the high summer temperatures, their fur acts as a thermal insulator, slowing down the absorption of heat. Inside the mantle, air pockets and an important circulation are generated, so that the animals feel fresh even in this season.

Their coat consists of several layers, which protect them from high temperatures. It acts just as a retaining wall against sunstroke, cancer and the delicate problem of heatstroke.

Once you know the reason for all this, we recommend that you do not shear your pet at this time of the year, of course, unless directed to do so by your vet.

How to take care of animal hair in the summer?

In addition to the advice of a specialist, there are other occasions when you need to shear your pet, i.e. in cases where it is much longer than normal.

In this case, which is so uncomfortable for an animal during the summer months, to determine the correct way to cut its hair you need to contact a veterinarian.

It represents a major drawback much more common in dogs. Here are the breeds most at risk, those that have the longest hair:

  • Yorkshire Terrier: These gorgeous little friends have a coat that you will need to brush very carefully to prevent knots from forming.
  • Afghan Hound: known for being one of the least obedient dogs in the world, it has such long hair that it knots with extreme simplicity.
  • Komondor: In addition to not being very popular, it is a dog that suffers a lot in the summer from the enormous amount of fur it carries.
  • Shin Tzu: This breed of Chinese origin has a coat that will need to be shorn when the warm season arrives.

It is important to point out that, according to many veterinarians, the best way to combat the formation of knots is a good daily brushing of your four-legged friends’ fur.

How to take care of pets in the summer


Considering that the worst enemy is heat, the most effective action is to cool your beloved pet. Also remember that dehydration is a problem to be avoided at all costs. Here are some tricks that will help you:

  • If your pets live indoors, you will need to provide them with a space where there is air conditioning or a fan.
  • To avoid dehydration, it is essential that they always have fresh water available. A good trick is to add ice cubes to it so that it stays at an ideal temperature.
  • Never leave your furry friend locked in the car for a long time. Machines overheat quickly, which can cause him to suffer from heat stroke.

As you have read, even during the summer the hair is a great ally for your pet.

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