Ideal Names For Livelier Dogs

Ideal names for the livelier dogs

When we buy or give us an animal, something apparently as simple as choosing the name turns into a river of doubts. That’s why we make it easier for you by recommending lively dog ​​names.

In addition to choosing the breed, it is also important to choose the name of our animal. The choice is wide, for both male and female dogs.

The best thing to do is to study the particularities or character type of the animal and give it a name that reflects those aspects. This way, it will be a very suitable name for our dog.

Let the dog adapt

names for dogs

It can also work to let the dog choose – that is, try – names that he likes. We will just have to make a list and say the various names so that we can see the expression of the animal in front of each of them. We will see a different reaction with each of the names we have in the list.

Another important factor in dog names is that everything has its time. Making a decision like the name one isn’t going to be a quick thing unless we’ve already made up our minds.

The ideal is to let a few days pass, so that the dog gets used to his new home.

Factors that influence the choice of dog names

  • The name should be as short as possible, preferably two or three syllables, as these are the easiest to remember.
  • There are those who prefer monosyllable names, but they are not recommended, because they are easily confused.
  • The phonics of the name is also an important factor. It must be a clear name, and not look like other words or orders. If matches occur, we could confuse the animal.
  • Personal names are not recommended. While it may seem cute or cuddly to us, there are actually many neighbors, friends, people on the street, etc. who may feel hurt. It can also be confusing.
  • Once the name has been chosen, it no longer needs to be changed. The use of diminutives or nicknames is not recommended. It has been shown that when the name ends in “I”, dogs realize better that they are called that.
  • Naming a dog after another that has already existed in the home or family is not advisable. Each dog is different, and we can expect the new member to have a type of behavior that has nothing to do with the previous dog. The consequence could be that we will be prejudiced against the animal, expecting from it characteristics of the previous animal.
  • Race and size also matter. Some names sound ridiculous to our dogs. This is the case of calling a Dobermann or a Rottweiler “Pallino”, or a Poodle “Furia”.
  • Nowadays, mythological names or those of cartoon films have become fashionable.

Examples of dog names

There are many options:

  • Nouns that come from English words. This is the case with Lucky, Sunny, Smily, Blacky, Happy, and many other options, in other languages.
  • There are names chosen on the basis of some physical characteristic of the animal, or even of its way of being. For example, Cinnamon, Sweet, Princess, Bandit, Negrito, Macchia, Sock, Ciabattina, Curciolo, Bianca, etc.
  • We have already seen the current trend towards historical names, which have to do with mythological characters. There are many options: Caesar, Asterix, Idefix, Venus, Samson, Attila, etc.
  • A lot of ideas are born from movies or cartoons : Frodo, Bilbo, Goku, Rex, Princess, Smurfette, Scooby Doo, Sherlock, Vilma, Krusty, Ariel, Fiona, Shrek, Pluto, Pumba, Timon, Simba, Dumbo, Lassie , etc.

Some very famous dog names

  • Beethoven : Perhaps the most famous dog of all time. In the film series he is a dog of the St. Bernard breed, but the name is fine for any dog, even if it is of another breed.
  • Hachiko : the protagonist of the film “Hachiko – Your best friend”, with the great actor Richard Gere. Based on a real fact, it is a very beautiful name for small dogs.
  • Lassie : star of several movies and television series.
  • Rex : The police dog from a popular TV series. An ideal name for medium sized dogs, especially if they are of the German Shepherd breed, as the protagonist we are talking about.

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