How To Treat Dry Nose In Dogs

How to treat a dry nose in dogs

A dog’s nose is very distinctive because it is always wet. We are talking about the main tool these pets use to get to know and discover their surroundings. Its humidity is a sign of well-being. This is why, in case of a dry nose in a dog, it is good to understand what is happening to your four-legged friend.

A tool to know the world

Dogs are very dependent on smell, the most developed sense of all. They use it to discover everything around them, to move, orient and interact with other living beings. In fact, dogs’ sense of smell can be up to 5 times more developed than that of humans. You understand well that it is essential that it be protected and protected.

A dry nose is a warning sign for any owner, but you don’t have to worry. More often than not, it is a transient disturbance that is easy to treat. There are multiple factors that can trigger this anomaly. Such as, for example, dehydration or excessive sun exposure.

The problems that arise with dry noses in dogs are varied. The most direct consequence is the loss of smell to some extent, as affected animals can no longer smell properly. Problems with irritation can then arise and in some cases moderate or severe pain, depending on the case.

There are several diseases that can manifest themselves through the dry nose symptom. Like distemper and hyperkeratosis. The latter identifies a bit more serious symptoms, as the skin of the nose becomes scaly and can bleed profusely if not treated correctly.

a dog sleeps with his head in the blankets

If you notice the characteristics of the latter problem or suspect the presence of another disease, it is best to consult your veterinarian immediately to avoid a possible aggravation of the situation. Now let’s see how to deal with the dog dry nose problem and how to solve it.

How to treat a dry nose in a dog?

Managing this situation is easier than many believe, as long as it is not a symptom of a more serious illness. Once you’re sure it’s nothing alarming, it’s time to take care of your best friend’s nose.

One of the main actions to prevent dryness in the dog’s nose is to keep the pet well hydrated. To do this, you will need to provide him with fresh water, several times a day. Also, it’s a good idea not to overdo it with sun exposure, especially in the summer.

If the problem is not solved, you will also have to intervene on the products used for the bathroom. It may be that the products you are using are excessively drying your dog’s skin. Choose  shampoo and shower gel for animals, capable of respecting their pH. Remember  never to use products for people.

Clean the pet’s nose with soap and water for pets with this problem. In doing so, you will eliminate the bacteria present in the area. This will give your friend a lot of relief. Try not to let him inhale the foam during this cleaning operation.

a dog being washed with soap

Apply petroleum jelly or similar products to the pet’s nose. These greasy creams will help moisturize your nose, protecting it from external agents, such as the sun, wind or cold. But don’t overdo the quantity. The dog licks his nose all the time and may swallow a considerable amount. Once finished, wait for the situation to evolve during the day.

An alternative method

It is similar to the one described in the previous paragraph. This time, instead of using a special soap, you need a lotion specially developed for dog skin. The brand of the product does not matter, but we recommend Dermozym as it has no contraindications in most cases.

It is sufficient to distribute it on the nose  twice a day, avoiding overdoing the quantity so that the animal does not ingest too much, due to constantly licking itself. Likewise, its evolution should be monitored after a day or two.

Before using any product, we remind you, it is always better to consult your veterinarian, as he can indicate a more suitable lotion or ointment, depending on the specific case. Moreover, thanks to the visit you can be sure to exclude something more serious.

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