How To Calm A Dog That Won’t Stop Barking

How to calm a dog that won't stop barking

Nobody likes having a dog that barks all the time. Let alone your neighbors. In the long run, having to live with an animal that doesn’t stop barking can be a serious problem. There are systems and methods to overcome this difficulty and educate your four-legged friend.

In this article we will show you how to calm your dog. In addition, we will give you a series of information and advice so that you can have more knowledge and awareness of this little ailment.

How to calm a barking dog

One of the reasons your pet is barking is because he needs or wants something. It fails to attract your attention and then resorts to the bark. Let’s see together how to solve this inappropriate and annoying behavior.

How to calm your puppy down if he barks too much

Never back down

As in the case of a screaming and screaming child, you must never give in to his whims. If you stop giving the dog what he wants, sooner or later he will stop adopting such exaggerated attitudes. Sure, it won’t happen suddenly, but you’ll have to be patient. If you have spoiled him for a long time, it will not be easy to change these bad habits.

Furthermore, it is necessary to learn to distinguish between sincere barking (such as those to go out, do the needs, hunger) and those that are the result of pure whim. Said and done: remain impassive and hold the position, no step back.

Ignore the barking

This, for dogs, is the only sonic communication tool they possess. However, this is not enough as an excuse for them to bark whenever and wherever they want. Ignoring a barking dog is the best way to make him stop. This also means avoiding taking it back. If you scold him, the animal will think that you are finally paying attention. Error! No screams, no words, much less caresses. Just like you do with children, let him let off steam. He will pass or get tired, one of the two.

Reward him as soon as he deserves it

Positive reinforcement remains the best way to educate a dog. As soon as he stops barking and shuts up, then you can reward him. This way your puppy will get used to associating silence with something positive. Prepare a dog treat or treat.

The diversion ploy

The best way to stop negative behavior is to change the subject’s action. This means that if your dog barks loudly, put into a different action situation, he will change his attitude.

It is the case, for example, to play with him. If your pet doesn’t stop barking, ask him to bring you his favorite toy. Then again and again. He will soon forget about barking and why he was barking.

It is also important to know your dog’s attitudes. Avoid situations that are stressful or cause barking. If your pet complains about not finding an item, make sure you help him and the problem will be solved in an instant.

Calming a dog: separation stress

How to calm your puppy down if he barks too much

The most delicate problem is that which concerns your dog when you are not there. It happens, and often, that in your absence the dog starts barking for minutes and even hours. Your neighbors will surely point this out to you. How can dogs overcome this separation anxiety?

The secret is to change the focus of his attention. The animal interprets your leaving the house as something terrible. You simply need to add a positive element for him, so that the separation is no longer so traumatic.

A good idea may be to prepare a small game, perhaps in hiding, with which the dog can entertain. Use food or treats: this way, when you go out, your friend will know that there is something fun and good for him.

The best advice: be patient

This is precisely the secret that is needed to interpret, face and solve this problem. Calming a dog means being able to take control of it with patience. Don’t yell at him, no punishment or anything. Talk to him calmly and affectionately. From here we start to achieve any positive change.

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