How Much Does It Cost To Keep A Dog?

How much does it cost to keep a dog?

Caring for a dog can involve annual expenses of varying amounts. The greatest cost is related to the feeding and visits to the vet, and depends on the breed and size of the animal. And also the importance of having insurance. Today we will talk about how much it costs to keep a dog.

Make the decision to adopt a dog based on your financial means

The time has come to decide whether or not to take a dog,  and not only do you have to think about your tastes, the character of the animal and the space you have at home. It is essential to understand the commitment that this entails, if the economic situation of the family allows it.

The costs to be faced are various  if you want your dog to live at its best. The list of things an animal needs is long. Food, vet, vaccines, games and accessories. Let’s see how much it costs to keep a 4-legged friend.

dog eating from the bowl

Initial expenses

In the beginning it is a real investment, as you have to buy everything the dog needs. Typically, you need to purchase:

  • A kennel in which the dog can sleep:  depending on the size, this can cost between 50 and 150 euros.
  • Leash and collar:  the price is around 40 euros, and they will have to be changed several times over time.
  • Bowls for food and water:  on average they cost around 30 euros, depending on the material they are made of. Stainless steel ones, which are more hygienic and durable, are recommended.
  • Microchip:  between 40 and 60 euros, depending on who puts it on them.
  • Visits to the vet:  these are essential. Carrying out routine checkups will benefit your dog’s health. The cost of these consultations is around 50 euros.

    The food your dog needs

    Food is the fixed expense that affects the  economy of a family the most, but it is also the least problem with regards to unexpected events. Unless the dog needs particular foods, it will not change significantly.

    It is estimated  that a small dog consumes about 6 kg of food per month, while a large dog consumes 15 kg. A bag of croquettes costs around 50 euros, and the one made especially for puppies around 80 euros. This is also based on the brand, of course.

    At this point, it  is best to choose quality foods. This will ensure a balanced and healthy diet.

    Medical expenses

    The veterinarian, with visits and vaccines, ranks second in the biggest expenses after feeding.

    Unexpected expenses usually involve large amounts of money. For this, you never have to save on preventive care.

    According to the vaccination schedule, the costs include:

    • Heptavalent or Polyvalent vaccine:  one part is given at 8 weeks of life, and the second part at 11 weeks. It is for hepatitis, distemper and leptospirosis, and costs between 40 – 50 euros each.
    • Trivalent vaccine: it  is done at 15-16 weeks and serves to protect the dog from parvovirus, distemper and hepatitis. It costs between 40 and 50 euros.
    • Vaccine against rabies: it  is done at 6 months of age and usually costs around 30 euros.


    It is also necessary to consider:

    • Internal pesticides:  a product that costs an average of 15 euros a year is administered quarterly.
    • External pesticides:  there are several products. Pipettes, sprays, collars, and each with a different price and duration. You have to calculate a cost of around 20 euros.

      Hygiene, grooming and games

      Although not considered an essential expense,  trimming and grooming the coat is important, both as a matter of hygiene and to check if the dog has fleas or ticks. A bathroom made by a professional in a toilet costs between 30 and 60 euros. If space and time permit, you can also do it at home. In this case, the cost that includes the shampoo and the brush is around 30 euros.

      bathe the dog in the tub

      Games for dogs cost between 5 and 35 euros.

      Other expenses

      • Dog insurance: the basic insurance (which covers damages against third parties) costs between 30 and 40 euros per year.
      • Dogsitter:  for those who spend a lot of time away from home. Prices vary, generally this figure asks between 4 and 5 euros per hour.

      We have shown you in general how much it costs to keep a dog. Not only the monthly expenses, but also the ones you will have to face at the beginning. 

      As you may have noticed,  the gratification of having a pet in your home requires a responsibility that includes both time and money. We advise you to make a decision based on your financial possibilities.

      Source of the main image: NAPARAZZI

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