How Long Do The Puppies Have To Stay With Their Mother?

Until when do the puppies have to stay with their mother?

Sometimes, man’s selfishness causes severe damage to nature and its children. For example, in the case of puppies, it is not uncommon for them to be separated from their mother before the recommended time. In addition to causing great emotional damage, this distancing could generate unpleasant behaviors in the animal, which will emerge in the course of its development and, later, in adulthood.

There is a technique known as imprinting , which is based on the socialization of the animal from birth, especially with its family. Dogs, like humans, at this stage forge behaviors that they will then use when their personalities are fully mature.

The most important part of this process concerns the period from the 2nd to the 7th week:  at that point the animals begin to discover the world, becoming aware of themselves, of others and learning to recognize their original family. This process is extremely important, as the dog’s personality and behavior depend on the normality of this phase. To  avoid traumas that inevitably are reflected in a behavioral and relational disorder, let’s try to understand  when the puppies can be  taken from their mother, without causing problems.

How long do the puppies have to stay with their mother?

Puppies must end their imprinting and nursing period to grow in a peaceful and balanced way. Although this process is completed after seven weeks, the breastfeeding process does not end for a minimum of nine weeks. The fact that one process is concluded does not mean that the next must be accelerated, as one differs from the other. We are not talking about the same thing: the first concerns learning, the second the capacity, even of the organism, to feed itself autonomously.

However, even if the nine weeks identifies the right time for weaning, this does not mean that some specimens take longer. What must always be avoided is to anticipate the times. In general, it is recommended to extend this interval up to 12 weeks. How come?

Apparently, after the first nine weeks, the mothers of the puppies begin to treat them more rigorously. They lift them with force by the neck and even give them small bites to teach them a series of rules and “manners” that are used to  train them to the difficulties of their new life.

Boxer puppies on wood logs

Therefore, the more a puppy stays close to its mother, the better its behavior and the more balanced its emotional state. If you have decided to adopt a dog or a cat, and are expecting a puppy, do not be anxious and in no way force the weaning. Be patient and indeed stick to the 12 week limit . You will have a more peaceful and happy pet.

Consequences for the puppy

If a puppy is separated from its mother prematurely, it can suffer a variety of damage. Here are some of them:

  • Fearful and insecure personality. A puppy torn out of its environment too early can be insecure and show a fearful attitude towards the outside world. This will make him an unhappy animal and probably won’t give you the cheer you are looking for in a playmate and life partner.
  • Difficulty in relating. We have already seen that socialization is very important. If mother-pup contact is broken too early, the animal is very likely to have problems relating to others, whether human or animal.
  • Distrustful and aggressive soul. It is the direct consequence of feeling insecure. Most likely, your new friend will always live on the  who goes there , with a tendency to attack in case he senses danger.

    On the contrary, if the times are respected and the puppy is left for at least 12 weeks  with the mother, the benefits will be multiple:

    • A disciplined animal. Mothers teach their puppies what is right or wrong. Your dog will be easier to train and more obedient, a lot of effort spared!
    • He knows his limits. If the little ones exaggerate in playing or fighting with each other, it is always the mother who intervenes, teaching them that there is a time for everything.
    • Calm and less violent spirit. By playing with little brothers and sisters, your new friend will learn to do it without hurting. Inside the litter, if one of the kittens proves too aggressive, he is moved, removed or punished by his mother.
    • Affectionate and peaceful soul. Contact with the mother also means being able to learn to be pampered and show affection. A puppy who knows how to recognize and give love, will be a perfect life partner for every human being.

      In short, be patient  and never adopt any animal that hasn’t been with its mother long enough. You will have a more loving animal, easy to manage, safe and with whom coexistence will be extremely pleasant and less problematic.

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