Find Out How To Attract Birds To The Garden

Find out how to attract birds to the garden

The role of birds in the ecosystem allows lands and gardens to be thriving and beautiful. They limit the presence of insects and worms, even improve the pollination process of plants and flowers. Without considering the charm of seeing them flutter from branch to branch. Would you like to know how to attract birds to the garden? So, don’t miss the following article.

Attracting birds to the garden: water and food

Of course, food is the first calling tool for any animal. The number of “guests” you want to have will depend on the quantity and type you leave around the garden. Although many think that it is better to offer food to birds only in winter, to increase the chances of success, it is better to get them used to receiving it every day.

It is also logical that, depending on the location you are in, your garden is frequented by different types of birds. It also affects the fact of having more or less nearby trees, as well as the presence of possible predators. However, the diet of these animals is quite similar. If you want to attract them, we advise you to use:

  • Peanuts.
  • Seed blends (sunflower, oat, canary seed and millet).

Try to avoid foods with a high concentration of grain, as they can mainly attract pigeons, birds that can harm more than benefit the fauna and flora of your garden.

The availability of water is also crucial. You can set up bowls or fountains, preferably from 2.5 to 10 centimeters deep, which will allow various species of birds to wash themselves. In short, it is a way to make your guests feel at home with wings.

a little bird eats from a cluster of seedlings

Plants also play an important role

Even if you fill your garden with fountains, feeders and wooden houses, the trees will always be the real home for birds. If this space features only a lawn and a handful of ornamental plants, your efforts are unlikely to be rewarded.

Start by enriching this green space with plants, shrubs and bushes that will attract small birds, such as starlings. It is the best thing you can do, especially if there are cats in the area. You will offer the birds a place to stop and safe from danger.

Roses, hawthorn and honeysuckle are some of the plants with which you can start remodeling and embellishing your green spaces. Any plant that produces fruit, especially if it’s fleshy, will be a great bird call. For example, the bramble, one of the most popular, which produces a very sweet fruit such as blackberry.

A nest with three chicks

It’s time to think about the nests

If your garden is large and has tall, leafy trees where birds can build their nests, you only need to place water and food sources as close to the branches as possible.

If, on the other hand, your garden is smaller and the plants or shrubs are low, you can buy prefabricated nests or even houses. Place them in several strategic points, where the birds usually stay longer. They can be made of wool, paper and wood. Try to place them as close as possible to water and food sources.

Once this work is complete, you will just have to wait. If you live in a busy urban area, the results may take longer. But remember: all efforts ultimately yield results.

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