Fernando, The Stray Dog ​​sung By Alberto Cortez

This is the story of a meek little dog who had a great ear for music. A small, hairy, white stray dog ​​that was adopted by an entire city and to which people have dedicated books, poems and even statues. His name was Fernando, and the famous singer-songwriter Alberto Cortez decided to make him immortal with one of his best songs.

The stray that has conquered the heart of an entire city

It was Christmas 1951, when Fernando was first seen in a bar in Resistencia, the capital of the Argentine province of Chaco. He was seeking refuge, alone and wet during a severe storm.

Slowly, he decided to approach and crouch at the feet of Fernando Ortiz, a bolero singer who, by a twist of fate, was crossing the city. But, from that day on, he remained there forever.

A special bond was born between the animal and the singer, so much so that Ortiz decided to give it his own name. Soon, Fernando became famous in the city : he freely went in and out of bars and music venues, playing with children on the street. Everyone always had a biscuit or a piece of bread for this nice and jovial tramp.

Fernando, the street dog everyone loved

The day of this cute stray was always the same, which is why it soon became the reference point for the inhabitants of Resistencia:

  • To sleep, he went to the reception of the Hotel Colon.
  • He had breakfast with milk and croissants in the Banco Nación manager’s office.
  • Then a visit to the barber next to the Japanese bar.
  • Lunch in the El Madrileño restaurant or in the Sorocabana.
  • The nap was in Dr. Reggiardo’s house.
  • Then he enjoyed hunting cats in the main square.
  • Finally, a dinner in the Bar La Estrella.

A dog with a prodigious musical ear

Beyond his sympathy and the love he knew how to awaken in the inhabitants of the Argentine city, this extraordinary street dog was distinguished by a great passion for music.

The town elders remember that Fernando loved attending music concerts. It did not matter the type or the genre of songs: he was the privileged spectator in any type of cultural event where there was a group or a singer.

He sat next to the orchestra or soloists, wagging his tail in approval. The moment one of the artists missed a note or got out of tune, well this nice hound would walk away, almost as if he felt offended. Really incredible, isn’t it?

It is said that, during the performance of a well-known Polish pianist, Fernando barked twice, as if to underline some small out of tune. At the end of the concert, the European artist, rising towards the audience, stated: “ He was right, in fact I was wrong twice “.

Fernando lives forever thanks to a song

Unfortunately, on May 28, 1963, an accident killed the poor animal. In the square of the Provincial Government, where Fernando often went hunting for cats, a car hit the stray dog, mortally wounding him.

The news quickly spread throughout the city and the entire population of Resistencia fell into sadness. An atmosphere full of emotion accompanied the burial ceremony, which was attended by the highest representatives of the Municipality. Speeches and poems were read during the farewell to this truly unique dog.

Today Fernando rests under the path of El Fogón de los Arrieros, an emblematic cultural center of the city. But he continues to live in the hearts of those who have had the joy of sharing part of their life with him.

And “Callejero”, the song dedicated to him by the singer Alberto Cortez, is also eternal. A work that immortalizes Fernando’s life, celebrating the memory and soul of all free, independent and incredibly magical spirits.

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