Discovering The Most Fascinating Butterflies In The World

Discovering the most fascinating butterflies in the world

No one can deny that they are charming and beautiful, they convey cheerfulness with their bright colors as they fly elegantly and syncopatedly flapping their very thin wings. Butterflies are one of nature’s most amazing creations and are considered a spiritual symbol of transformation. In this article we will show you some of the most amazing and impressive varieties of this insect that belongs to the order of Lepidoptera .

The most beautiful butterflies that exist

It is a bit difficult to make a list with the most beautiful butterflies in the world … Because they are all wonderful! Even so, we will try to make an effort and choose the most amazing ones, choosing from the more than 165,000 types that exist in the world. These are the most fascinating and impressive butterflies:

a small yellow and blue butterfly on a hand held flower

1. Glass butterfly

It has such thin wings that, when it flies, it seems that it is only the body that moves, by itself, as if by magic. This is due to the fact that the fabric of their wings is transparent. They can see each other on both sides. They live in Central and South America, especially in Mexico, Brazil, Bolivia, Peru and Venezuela.

2. Morpho butterfly

This variety is also particularly widespread in South and Central America. Its name means “modify” or “change” and was the epithet of the deity of love, Venus (or Aphrodite, for the Greeks). Its wingspan is 7.5 centimeters and is bluish in color, while the wings are darker in the area near the trunk. It has black edges with several red, yellow and white spots.

3. Queen Alexandra’s butterfly

This species is found in New Guinea. Females are larger than males (up to 31 centimeters in wingspan and 12 grams in weight), and in terms of physical appearance the wings are brown with white markings, while the thorax is reddish in color.

Unfortunately, it is in danger of extinction due to hunting by collectors and the destruction of palm plantations for food use.

4. Spanish brown butterfly

L ‘ Aricia Morronensis is a native of Spain, usually found on rocky terrain and dry, and flies up to 1,800 meters. It can measure up to 26mm in length and is brown with whitish edges. Its back is adorned with ocher lines, black and white dots. It also has small orange spots.

5. Emerald butterfly

The emerald butterfly finds its habitat in the northern Sierra Nevada and also in Canada. It prefers sandy soils with low vegetation and reproduces from May to August. Small in size (16 millimeters light), its name is due to the beautiful green color of the wings and, in turn, the females are distinguished by their brown chest.

6. Butterfly 88

Of small size (2.4 cm), his name is curious how his wings. 88 butterflies are characterized by their black and white colors with a reddish upper area, and especially because their spots appear to form two numbers “8”, hence the very strange name. It flies from April to September and lives in American territory: Mexico, Peru, Brazil, Colombia and Argentina.

7. Monarch butterfly

It is the most famous of the butterflies and is the protagonist of one of the largest migrations in the animal kingdom. Each year, its specimens leave Canada for Mexico to reproduce. Unfortunately it is considered an endangered species due to the progressive disappearance of their natural habitat. Orange and black in color with white spots, it loves to frequent flower gardens.

una fantastica farfalla arancione su un fiore viola
Author: Jean-Pol GRANDMONT

8. Butterfly Vanessa Cardui

Also called Vanessa del thistle , it features the colors orange, white and black. It is distributed on all continents, with the exception of Antarctica, and can live in temperate zones, mountains and warm regions.

Large in size (it reaches 90 cm ), it can fly for 1,600 km in its entire life. As adults, these butterflies feed on the nectar of cultivated and wild flowers, with thistles as their favorite dish.

9. Fabiola butterfly

Its main feature is that the wings are different in color in front and behind. When open they are bluish with white edges and when closed they have a light brown background with small black and white circles, or orange and black circles. It lives in green areas, meadows with  low vegetation between June and July.

10. Great Mormon butterfly ( Papilio memnon )

The last one on this list of truly amazing butterflies is the Great Mormon. Its fame is due to the tonality of its wings. The design that appears is never the same, like a kind of human fingerprint. From the outside, when resting on a leaf, it might even look like a dangerous insect. It measures up to 15 centimeters and lives in Asia, in a large region between India and Indonesia.

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