Did You Know That Pterosaurs Are Not Dinosaurs?

Pterosaurs are reptiles that lived on Earth millions of years ago and that evolved by developing large wings, such that the largest reached a wingspan of 12 meters.
Did you know that pterosaurs are not dinosaurs?

The pterosaurs are known as one of the species most amazing animals that inhabited our planet millions of years ago, and many are convinced that this is another breed of dinosaurs. In reality, this is not the case.

And you, did you know that pterosaurs weren’t dinosaurs?

What is a dinosaur

Pterosaurs aren’t the only extinct reptile-like-looking species that has been confused with dinosaurs, as is the case with dimetrodon for example. Both species are often confused with dinosaurs, literally ” monstrous lizards “, which went extinct 68 million years ago.

Dinosaurs appeared about 230 million years ago, making them a species that has inhabited the Earth much longer than humans. It is a group of reptiles that lay eggs and have two holes behind the orbital cavities.

They are terrestrial animals with extremities capable of bearing incredible weights, developed under the body and not on the sides as in crocodiles. In addition, they possessed characteristic skeletons with at least three sacral vertebrae and a central hole in the pelvic area.

Pterosaurs on a rock

What are pterosaurs?

Pterosaurs do not share many of the above characteristics of dinosaurs, therefore they cannot be considered as such. However, these reptiles coexisted with dinosaurs and, just like them, reached enormous size.

Curiously, pterosaurs are not related to birds. The large birds, absurdly, can be considered the relatives of the dinosaurs closest to us, as they are descended from the few dinosaurs that survived extinction. Pterosaurs, on the other hand, are simple reptiles that developed to obtain wings, a bit like bats.

In fact, it is birds that have many more characteristics in common with dinosaurs, as well as being directly related to coelurosaurs.

Pterosaur on the hunt

Curiosities about pterosaurs

Pterosaurs are very curious animals, and at first, when discovered, they were mistaken for huge finned marine animals. Just like the votals, this species possessed hollow bones that allowed them to support their bodies in flight.

The wings were similar to those of bats, and it is believed that not only allowed them to glide, but also to actively fly like eagles. On the other hand, some possessed beak-like mandibles, others had teeth like needles, and some specimens even had combs.

It is believed that these creatures were equipped with air sacs, similar to those of birds. Very often pterosaurs were devoured by theropod dinosaurs, and vertebrae of pterosaurs with traces of encrusted dinosaur teeth have been found. It is believed that these animals could move with agility even on the ground.

As we have seen, these flying reptiles do not belong to the race of their terrestrial companions, the dinosaurs. What is clear is that these giants were fascinating animals that unfortunately we will never have the honor of knowing.

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