Curiosities About Whales

After the film based on a real specimen, the behaviors of these cetaceans were highlighted, which are very surprising, such as the great sense of generosity they show towards other animals
Curiosities about whales

There are various curiosities about whales that can surprise us. Would you like to know more? Well, read this article to enter the ocean with us and learn the curiosities about whales , majestic and imposing animals.

Although the life of whales is difficult to fully understand due to the depth of the waters they live in, there are many curious facts that we already know – today we want to share them with you.

Curiosities about whales

The whales and the music

When we talk about whales, we are referring to any type of whale, including: the sperm whale, the beluga, the blue whale and even the orca. They all have very similar behavior, as they come from the same species.

Following an experiment, it was discovered that music greatly attracts these cetaceans. In fact, they even responded with a dance.

Music is believed to directly affect the mood and character of whales, as it does to humans.

Whales communicate with music

A group of scientists ensures that the sounds made by humpback whales are very similar to pop music. In fact, it is believed that their verses are so captivating that the other members of the group repeat them too, and when they get bored of making the same sounds, they invent new ones.

Music whales

Some whales sleep vertically

Some argue that sperm whales, considered by many to be the least beautiful whales, sleep standing up. Well, vertically, since standing in the depths of the sea doesn’t seem that simple.

Their schedule differs from ours, as their sleep hours are between 6pm and 12pm.

Many believe there is a link between this behavior and the sleep of dolphins, who sleep with one eye open to stay alert for possible predator attacks.

However, this theory may not be without foundation, since the sperm whale is the noblest and quietest whale of all and has many predators that threaten it.

Sleeping little and in a position that allows him to escape quickly would be a useful and necessary defense mechanism.

Whales drink and eat at the same time

To feed on small fish and plankton in the sea, whales cannot separate from each other due to their enormous size.

Hence, they  ingest the food and drink at the same time; an organ present in their cheeks is responsible for eliminating water. In this way, only the food remains. Really amazing!

Whales are very sociable

Whales are very social and, in the case of females, even more so. In fact, studies and research have shown that they stay together and remain with those whales they have shared experiences with. They enjoy swimming or playing.

Like good old friends… Furthermore, those who do are believed to be in better health and more fertile than those who remain alone.

Very interesting, don’t you think?

They are hospitable

Following the line of sociability, whales adopt animals that have been injured or abandoned to care for them, protect them from predators and make them part of the herd.

They become a family and protect each other.

There are known cases of dolphins adopted by them or even of descendants of other orphaned species. A gesture that honors them and that seems incredible when you think about their size.

An animal of this size can be really cute.

They live a long time

How long a whale can live depends a lot on the species, but specimens have been found that have lived more than 200 years. However, boreal whales, for example, are not usually over 90 years old.

Moby Dick really existed

If you are a fan of this movie, and were wondering if it is real, then the answer is yes. Herman Melville appears to have based his novel on a whale called Mocha Dick, which sank a ship in 1820.

What do you think of these curiosities about whales? Every day we can find out more about these fascinating animals.

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