Canine Babesiosis: What It Is, Symptoms And Treatment

Canine babesiosis: what it is, symptoms and treatment

In recent years, canine babesiosis has ceased to be an exotic disease. It has become a cause for concern on almost every continent. Therefore, veterinary medical students stress the need to learn more about this infectious disease. The goal is obviously to protect the health of your four-legged friend.

The increase in cases of canine babesiosis in the last decade is basically due to the proliferation of ticks. Especially for the subspecies Rhipicephalus sanguineus , a hematophagous parasite of animals that carries the disease, carrying the protozoan Babesia canis .

Although it develops more easily in canine species, the bacteria can also affect cats and humans, causing serious damage to their health.

What is canine babesiosis and how is it transmitted?

Canine babesiosis is a generalized infectious process. It is caused by a specimen of the protozoan family: Babesia canis . The microorganisms of this family can also cause many less serious disease than the babesiosis.

un cagnolino dagli occhi tristi
Author: Soggydan Benenovitch

The latest studies have determined that there are 3 babesiosis genotypesBabesia canis vogeli,  Babesia canis canis and  Babesia canis rossi (or Lahler’s disease).

Until now, only the first type has been related to canine babesiosis. It has been found in the blood of infected animals and bacillus-carrying ticks.

It is an intracellular protozoan of the indirect cycle. Therefore, it needs an intermediate host to develop its larvae. It usually colonizes the intestines, ovaries and mainly the salivary glands of various ticks. Mainly of the Rhipicephalus sanguineus family .

This small external parasite has an enormous survival capacity, but its optimal development occurs in warmer or temperate climates. This is why it is particularly popular in tropical and subtropical countries. In Europe, the population grows and tends to proliferate with the arrival of summer.

The most common form of transmission of canine babesiosis is through tick bites. Therefore, the best prevention is to avoid the proliferation of these parasites.

What are the symptoms and treatments of canine babesiosis?

Once stung by the infected tick, the incubation period in dogs usually lasts 2 to 4 weeks. The first noticeable symptoms of canine babesiosis can take 1 to 2 months to appear noticeably.

The most worrying of this disease is the rate of expansion of the protozoa leading to hematochezia (the emission of stools mixed with bright red blood). Once they reach the bloodstream, they quickly act on red blood cells, histocytes, and tissues in the lungs and liver.

It is possible to notice a general decline in the animal’s health during the 24 hours following the identification of the first symptoms. Most dogs with canine babesiosis are placed in intensive care to monitor the evolution of the infectious disease.

The most frequent symptoms include  fever accompanied by :

  • Lack of appetite and weight loss.
  • Prostration and excessive sleep.
  • Increased production of bilirubin.
  • Low hemoglobin.

An early diagnosis

It is important that the disease is treated correctly after the first symptoms appear. Otherwise, it can evolve rapidly and cause irreversible damage to the liver and lungs.

The intensity of the symptoms varies in each animal. If your dog is immunosuppressed or elderly, he will obviously suffer more and will need special attention. The same goes for malnourished dogs, with an immune system more vulnerable to this and other diseases.

The early diagnosis is essential to allow the integral care of canine babesiosis. The animal must be hospitalized quickly.

Complicated cases of canine babesiosis

In severe cases, treatment consists of the administration of glucocorticoids, heparin, and blood transfusions.

dog at the vet suffers from canine babesiosis

It is often difficult to recognize the symptoms of canine babesiosis. They can be confused with symptoms of minor or benign ailments. Therefore, the best way to avoid it is to periodically take your pet to the vet for routine consultations and tests.

It is essential to prevent parasites from proliferating in the animal’s body. It is advisable to periodically carry out treatments against fleas, ticks and worms, both internally and externally. Soaps or flea collars can also be used, either as natural remedies or to keep parasites away.

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