Bracco Blu D’Auvergne: Origin, Characteristics And Curiosities

Bracco blu d'Auvergne: origin, characteristics and curiosities

The Bracco blu d’Auvergne, also known as Auvergne Pointer , is a splendid dog belonging to a breed originating in France, in particular in the historical region of Auvergne, in the center of the transalpine country. In this article we will show you everything you need to know about him.

Origin and provenance

The Bracco blu d’Auvergne is a dog of French origin, born in the district of Cantal , in Auvergne, and is more than two hundred years old. It comes from the common root of all the hounds, selected by and for the hunters, so it has a very strong identity.

It seems that this sweet, affectionate and very intelligent animal was developed by the Knights of Malta, who had many possessions in the Auvergne region. Although it is an indigenous type of dog, from the 19th century it is known that some females were crossed with specimens of English Pointers.

In 2004 it was registered by the FCI within group 7 (Cani da Ferma) in section 1.1 (continental of the Bracco type) with the name Braque d’Auvergne.

Physical aspect of the Bracco blu d’Auvergne

It is a sturdy and well-proportioned dog , with a harmonious and elegant walk, characteristic of this breed.

un Bracco blu d'Auvergne durante una mostra canina
Source: Pleple2000

The length and height at the withers are similar, which gives a slender and straight appearance to each specimen. The height  in males varies between 57 and 63 centimeters. The females are slightly smaller, measuring from 53 to 59 cm. The  ideal weight ranges between 25 and 32 kg.

The head of the Auvergne Blue Bracco has an elongated muzzle, almost the same size as the rest of the skull, with long ears and pendulous lips.

As for the coat, it is short and shiny. The coat is characterized by a white layer dotted with black-blue spots. The tail, shorter than that of other dogs, generally respects the horizontal line of the body.

Character and temperament of the Auvergne blue Bracco

Of the four groups of canids pointed out by Richard and Alice Feinnes in The Natural History of Dogs , the Auvergne Blue Hound inherited many of the characteristics of hounds.

Members of this group have been characterized as being great hunters due to their sight and speed. This makes them very popular with hunters and also exposes them to the great danger of being abandoned if they are not suitable for hunting activities.

Despite the bond with this world of hunting, the Bracco blu d’Auvergne is a dog that adapts very well to family life, as it is balanced and calm. In fact, she manages to build a strong bond with children, especially if they grew up together. But, as mentioned, it  is a dog that needs constant stimulation. Keeping him in a small apartment and leaving him alone for many hours a day could trigger destructive behavior or cause the animal to fall into depression.

How to take care of the Braque d’Auvergne?

Regarding the issue of basic health and care, you must keep in mind that, like any large dog, there is a considerable risk of suffering from the known stomach twist or other joint problems. However, it should be emphasized that a specific risk higher than other large breeds has never been reported .

Also, always keep in mind that this breed, like any good hunting dog, needs a lot of exercise and contact with nature, to effectively develop its excellent visual and olfactory qualities.

If you live in a rural area, often go outdoors or go hunting, surely adopting a Blue Auvergne Bracco is the best choice you can make.

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