Bergamasco, The Shepherd Dog Of The Alps

Bergamasco, the shepherd dog of the Alps

Not long ago we told you about dogs with Rastafari hair, and the Bergamasco is one of them. It is such a special breed that it is worth getting to know it better. In addition to its characteristic appearance, in fact, this Italian shepherd dog has interesting characteristics and a personality to be discovered.

Bergamasco, all there is to know about him

History and origins of the Bergamasco shepherd dog

As we mentioned earlier, this breed  hails from the Alps and has been used as a herding dog for years. The idea of ​​using Rastafarian dogs as shepherds emerged with the aim of confusing wolves and other predators, managing to mix in the flock,  without being seen. In the event of an attack, therefore, the Bergamasco would have reacted by catching the enemy on duty by surprise.

Interestingly, unlike other breeds, this dog’s origin is unknown. There are no documents that speak of him, nor any records that can provide us with reliable information on the age and history of this beautiful pet.

In any case, perhaps due to its appearance or its sympathy, this dog has spread throughout Europe and it is even known the existence of some specimens in America.

Physical characteristics

We cannot describe this dog if not starting from its very original coat. It is one of the most characteristic Rastafarian dogs, although many confuse it with the Komondor, of Hungarian origin. Its hairs are easily recognizable: long and braided, giving this animal a more unique than rare appearance  .

profile of a Bergamasco Shepherd Dog on a meadow

The texture of the fur is rough and black (normal and dull) and all shades of gray are accepted. There may be spots of this same color and, at times, even reddish or Isabella-colored (a shade between yellow and brown). The only color that does not fall within the dictates of the FCI ( International Cynological Federation ) is white.

Males are about 60 cm tall at the withers (4 more than females), a difference that is also maintained in terms of weight ( 32-38 kg against 26-32). Despite its size, many consider it to be a medium-sized dog. Perhaps because of the weight, since the type of coat it possesses makes this animal look heavier than it actually is.

Its hair is abundant throughout its body, including its ears and paws. Although the Bergamasco is a real mountain of hair, it has a harmonious shape, with a deep chest and a strong and resistant structure.

The length of its muzzle equals the size of its skull. This makes its head look large, although it is well proportioned with the rest of the body.

Character and temperament of the Bergamasco

Like almost all shepherd dogs, the Bergamasco is also a very intelligent, lively and attentive animal , endowed with great patience. They are versatile animals and its qualities make it perfect for family living. Especially if you have small children: they will have a lot of fun combing it, giving it thousands of hairstyles and washing it.

a sitting black Bergamo Shepherd Dog

In addition, it is a very affectionate, docile and tolerant animal . He will let your children do anything. However, despite their affable natures, they are dogs that need to be socialized from an early age to avoid dominant male behavior. In this way, you can count on a friendly dog ​​with everyone, be they children, adults or even other animals and dogs.

Health and care of the Bergamasco sheepdog

One thing that must never be missing, in life together with your Bergamasco, is physical exercise. We are talking about a very active animal that has to burn adrenaline and strengthen bones and muscles. Walking and even running every day should be part of his daily routine .

Don’t be frightened by the huge amount of hair it has: you won’t have to wash it every day. What matters most is combing it. Use a quality shampoo and a good conditioner to prevent knots and to give shine and a clean look to all the fur.

For the rest, the Bergamasco is a strong dog that does not need too much care, although we advise you to closely check the state of skin and hair, checking for the presence of any residues or microorganisms, such as ticks or fleas.

If you want to adopt a  loving and faithful dog, who takes care of your family, the Bergamasco sheepdog is exactly what is right for you.

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