Basic Tips For Feeding A Canary

Basic tips for feeding a canary

The canary is one of the most popular domestic birds in existence. The species we know, Serinus canaria , is, in fact, present in the homes of many Italian families and beyond. Its typical color, its cheerful song and the ease of breeding it are points in favor of one of the most loved and known species. So here is a series of basic tips for feeding a canary, adequately and completely.

The nutritional needs of the domestic canary

This passerine bird  was created in the 17th century, from a series of wild specimens that featured colorful and showy plumage.

To feed a canary you can use different types of grain, as well as some types of plants and vegetables. The most common foods in the diet are usually:

  • Canary seed.
  • Mile.
  • Negrillo.
  • Lettuce.
  • Apple.
  • Carrot.
  • Hemp.
  • Oats.

As for the nutritional percentages of their diet, we can talk about 50% of canary seed, plus 20% of negrillo and the remaining 30% of other seeds.

We cannot forget, of course, the fruits and vegetables that will be used to supplement the seeds just mentioned. They are an important source of water, vitamins and minerals for your pet canary.

some grains to feed a canary

What should a newborn canary eat?

The nutritional needs of puppies, of any animal species, are superior in all respects. This is due to the fact that they are in full development and need a number of specific nutrients to grow properly.

In addition to the usual foods already mentioned, newborn canaries require a range of nutritional supplements to help them grow.

The mother usually crushes and regurgitates the food she has at her disposal to feed the newborn chicks. Therefore, the parents’ diet must also change. The mother usually mixes oats, fruit or vegetables, and some animal protein.

To incorporate these animal proteins into the chicks’ diet, you can use animal jelly, hard-boiled eggs, or crushed cuttlefish bone. As well as live insects that the mother will process and regurgitate to feed her chicks in the best possible way.

Parent nutrition during the breeding process is also important for proper egg development. Try to include foods rich in animal proteins mentioned above after the breeding process, so that the egg shell is strengthened.

Alternative food and practices

During the winter, or during certain stressful periods (such as the breeding season or even a move), you may need to  supplement your pet’s diet, with the aim of strengthening its immune system.

canary in the cage on a perch

Like any granivorous bird, the canary crushes the grains it eats thanks to an organ called a gizzard . To help him grind the grains more effectively, you can provide him with sand or gravel, which the bird will ingest without problems, improving the work of “stepping” on the grains.

In addition to the seeds mentioned above, fruits, vegetables and animal proteins, one last key ingredient in the canary’s diet, are wild plants. To avoid mistakes, perhaps offering the canary an inadequate plant, here are four types that will make your pet bird’s diet perfectly balanced:

  • Dandelion.
  • Nettle.
  • Alfalfa (alfalfa).
  • Common Centocchio.

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