All About The Behavior Of Hyenas

All about the behavior of hyenas

These animals are known to laugh when they catch prey. In addition, they usually exhale a fetid odor. They live in Africa, are carnivores and love to feed on carcasses or carrion. But we rarely talk about the behavior of hyenas. In this article we will help you to learn about the temperament and habits of this particular animal.

Bold and dangerous: how do hyenas behave?

Since ancient times, hyenas and humans have had a close relationship. Indeed, during Ancient Egypt, this fearsome carnivore was even domesticated. In addition, several cases of attacks on humans have been documented. One of the peculiarities of hyenas is that, if they are in a pack,  they fear nothing or anyone.

Think that, in case of food shortage, they can even show cannibal behaviors  and the females are very similar to the males. Both in terms of size and appearance of their reproductive organs.

It is a polygamous animal whose mating lasts a few moments. Once fertilized, the female carries on a pregnancy of about four months. After giving birth, the female will have to wait a full three years before returning to being fertile again.

However, at the end of each birth, female hyenas can give birth to a maximum of four cubs. These young will be fed by the mother during the first five months and, afterwards, they can already start eating meat. But breastfeeding, however, will continue for up to a year and a half.

a hyena mom with two cubs

The marking of the territory of the hyenas

Hyenas live in grasslands, savannas, forests, mountains and sub-desert areas. They are organized into groups or families – since all members are related – to defend themselves from other clans or possible intruders who try to penetrate their territory.

We are in fact talking about very social animals that can communicate with each other with specific signals, postures or calls. In this way, with a simple glance, they are able to interpret the intentions of the other. For example, the straight tail is synonymous with attack. If it is hidden between the legs, it communicates fear or danger, and if it is placed on the back, it means that everything is fine.

For their communication, hyenas are known to use vocalizations such as screams, moans, howls and the famous “laugh” which lets others know that a new food source has just been found. It is possible to hear it even two kilometers away!

three young hyenas in the savannah

Habits of hyenas

Usually, these carrion eaters live in a burrow. This consists of a hole or depression in the center, the entrance to which is connected by underground tunnels. In the outer part of the “circle” are the males who protect the females and the young who live inside.

Another peculiarity of the behavior of hyenas is that they mark their territory by producing a very strong smell with their anal glands, which spreads on the grass around their den or moat.

This substance serves to deposit part of the excrements, which are white and very visible. A shade caused by the large amount of bones they consume every day. They don’t lift their paws to urinate (like dogs), but they clean themselves with their tongues like cats do, except for the muzzle.

With respect to food, hyenas feed on everything they find in their way : carrion, plant material, livestock, wildebeest or hare and even the excrement of other species. However, they are very cunning animals when it comes to hunting and finding food. They are in fact known to be the most “opportunistic” hunters of the entire African savannah.

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