A Dog And Two Cats Save The Family From A Gas Leak

A dog and two cats save the family from a gas leak

In this story, the fidelity of pets stands out, especially when we commit recklessness that can cost us our lives.


the case of a Spanish family living in the city of La Coruña. Fortunately, however, the animals that live with them are very careful.

Don’t miss this story featuring a dog and two cats; a dramatic story, but with a happy ending.

There was no light ..


The fact dates back to a few months ago, when this family from La Coruña, returning home, found a nasty surprise: there was no light.

The electricity supplier is unable to find a solution immediately and the family has no choice but to resign themselves to being without electricity for a few days. A difficult situation for Oscar, Julia and their 9-year-old son.

Oscar then thought of the power generator he kept in the garage. Though aware of the danger (the generator emits carbon monoxide), he took it home. As a precaution that evening the windows remained open, but evidently this was not enough.

Pets that save our lives

Oscar’s son, the night before the accident, was very nervous and wanted to sleep with mom and dad. Oscar has decided to let the baby sleep with his mother and to move to a room on the lower floor of the house.

The man was already sound asleep when he woke up to the scratching of the door. They were his pets: the dog and the two cats had felt the escape of monoxide and were trying to save the family.

Oscar felt nauseated because of the intoxication and the animals, which were poisoning themselves, also began to vomit. The man went to look for his wife and son, staggering and hitting the walls. Leaning on everything that came within range, he overturned objects  making a great crash. The three animals followed him, they certainly knew how to escape, but evidently they did not want to abandon their human family there. If this is not fidelity …

Upon reaching the bedroom,  Oscar found his wife already awake due to all the noise she had caused.

The son, on the other hand, slept soundly. The emergency room was immediately alerted and advised to leave the house immediately, wake the child to keep him conscious and call 112, the national number for emergencies.

Within minutes, the police, firefighters and an ambulance arrived. The family was immediately taken to the hospital and the three animals to the veterinary emergency room. They certainly could not be forgotten.

If the family can now tell about this incident, it is thanks to their pets, who sensed the presence of the gas and woke the man.

A dog and two cats: the family heroes


“If it wasn’t for them, I don’t know what would have happened to my family” – Omar acknowledges.

After being admitted to hospital for poisoning, the child and his wife were discharged immediately after being declared out of danger. The animals also recovered quickly. More critical is the situation of the man who, recently, had undergone heart surgery and for whom complications were feared.

Without a doubt, when you read news like this, one would think that living with a pet is a blessing. Four-legged friends take care of us and protect us even when their own life is at stake.

As the German writer Carl Zuckmayer said:

Source of the main image: www.lavozdegalicia.es

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