How Often Should You Bathe Your Cat?

How often should you bathe your cat?

Felines are known to constantly groom themselves. They do this through their rough tongue, which they use as a brush. However, sometimes we still have to wash them. Today we will find out how often to bathe a cat.

Cats are also famous for their disgust towards water, but this particularity has an explanation. Their skin is very sensitive to touch, which is why the water temperature can bother them. For all these reasons, it  is advisable to wash them with warm water, so that they can withstand it better.

Previously it was said that bathing cats was not recommended. On the other hand, experts have proven that it is not harmful to the feline. He just has to get used to it.

Bathing a cat from an early age

If we get a cat used to bathing right from the start of the socialization process (between two and three months of age), it won’t rebel when it grows up.

The breeds most likely to get washed

The only cat that tolerates water without resistance is the Turkish Van. Other breeds, although tame, are aggressive when bathing unless they are used to it.

Another reason not to wash cats too often is the fact that they  may lose the natural substances that protect their coat. These are necessary to keep it healthy.

Periodicity of the baths

Specialists recommend not washing cats frequently. Unless absolutely necessary, for example, if you have soiled yourself with a toxic chemical.

In the rest of the cases,  if the animal is healthy and has a nice coat, its daily licking with the tongue will suffice. There are veterinarians who recommend washing felines every 5-6 months. Others say they do it every 5 weeks. In reality,  the length of time between baths is determined by how the cat’s skin and coat react. 

How to wash a cat

It is recommended that you use gardening gloves while bathing a cat. Thus we will be able to protect ourselves from any kind of aggression towards us. In addition, the gloves help us to control it better.

Other important recommendations

bathe cats

  • Place a non-slip rug where you decide to wash it. In this way the cat will stick its nails in it and will not hurt the people around it. In addition, you will prevent it from slipping easily, making it even more frightening.
  • Do not let the water get into the cat’s ears. To avoid this, you can use special caps. Or with a small bottle, throw out the excess water.
  • While bathing,  stay in control. If you are nervous, your pet will be nervous too.
  • Trim his nails before you wash him,  that way you won’t hurt both of you.
  • Gently place the cat in the tub. The best way to do this is to grab the back of his head with your right hand and the back with your left hand. All this while keeping you at a certain distance from the animal. Leave it little by little, either on the shower floor, or inside the tub.
  • Let it acclimatize before starting the treatment.
  • A shampoo suitable for cat hair should be used. Don’t use one for dogs or people. In some cases, you can use a mild soap. However, this product may cause irritation, hair loss or itching.
  • Give it a treat after washing it. In this way he will associate the bathroom with a positive experience. The reward could be food.

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