Let’s Discover Together 5 Yellow Animals

Let's discover 5 yellow animals together

Nature is truly wonderful, and it delights us with its colors and its liveliness. Many species draw attention to the tone of their skin, feathers and fur. For this, in the following article we will tell you about the existing yellow colored animals.

Natural yellow animals?

We can find specimens of all colors of the rainbow and more. Among the yellow animals , the following stand out:

1. Domestic canary

This subspecies of wild or sylvan canary is one of the most popular among bird lovers as pets. Although it is a bird native to the Azores, Canaries and Madeira, today it is found all over the world due to the fact that it has been bred since the 17th century.

two canaries on the branch

In addition to its yellow color,  the canary is small in size, has a sturdy body, a short beak and makes sounds by swelling its throat and without opening its mouth. It feeds on seeds – millet – or herbs and vegetables, such as dandelion, lettuce and grated carrot. Some also eat apple, orange or pear.

2. Bee

Although some part of its body is black, (legs, eyes and antennae) it is associated with the yellow color present on the head, tail, wings and abdomen.

Several bees on a glass

The bee is a flying insect that lives in hives with a queen (the mother of all), drones (which are dedicated only to reproduction) and the workers, who provide food, look after the family and feed the larvae.

Bees are among the most important animals in the world, due to the fact that thanks to them the pollination of flowers takes place. In addition, they provide us with a certain amount of food, such as honey, royal jelly and pollen.

3. Yellow surgeonfish

The Acanthuridae fish family includes species of various colors, including yellow. It is quite a popular animal in aquariums due to its resistance and, above all, its lemon yellow and arrowhead-shaped scales, compressed laterally.

yellow surgeon fish

The yellow surgeonfish can reach 25 cm in length, is solitary or can form small groups, and is found in the Pacific Ocean. It feeds on plankton and algae. In the aquarium it can be territorial with others of its species, especially males.

4. Golden frog

Another of the small and yellow colored animals is the golden frog. I l its venom is injected through the skin  and is formed when this animal feeds on ants.

Three specimens of golden frog

The golden frog can be yellow, green or orange. However, the former is the most famous. It lives in the humid forests of Central America and northern South America, in areas with abundant annual rainfall.

5. Albino python

Although the name suggests it is white, it actually  features most of the yellow scales and with different patterns or spots in each individual. Another feature is its small eyes, sturdy body and forked tongue.

Curled up albino python

The albino python is one of the most chosen snakes as a pet, and must live in a terrarium or in a well-heated interior because, like other reptiles, it is cold-blooded. As for its nutrition, being carnivorous you can give it small mammals, such as mice.

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