Intuition In Dogs

Intuition in dogs

Intuition is based on observation and cunning. Did you know that dogs are just as cunning as humans? Several scientists have shown that close to the advent of natural disasters such as a tsunami or an earthquake, many animals, especially dogs, tend to flee before catastrophe occurs. According to various researches, dogs are able to perceive sound waves and vibrations. In this way, seconds before the event occurs they can run to higher ground and save themselves.

Humans can also feel those vibrations. Nonetheless, this sensitivity is very low compared to dogs, as people are usually paying attention to other stimuli at those times.

At the same time, dogs can detect significant changes in their owners’ attitude ; in this sense, dogs used as guides for the blind are capable of sensing changes in the body language of their owner.

Sixth Sense?


In the 1970s, the Chinese city of Haicheng heeded the warnings given by animals in the area and evacuated the area before a magnitude 7.3 earthquake occurred. Another study involving 200 dogs showed a 50% increase in their degree of anxiety and movement the day before a 6.8 magnitude quake.

L ‘ intuition in dogs has also been a source of inspiration for many filmmakers. Zombie movies, for example, often show dogs in warning postures before some mutant attack.

Canine intuition takes on even more value when it comes to safety. People often use their pets to warn of intruders or fires.

Dogs are also used with diabetic patients, as these animals can sense deterioration in their owners. It is for this reason that dogs today represent an important “tool” in the treatment of medical diseases.

Some curious cases


Another recurring skill in dogs is related to the ability to guess what is happening to their peers, that is to other animals. The owner of a German Shepherd has proven that his little friend could warn him if something happened to the animals on the farm. Specifically, as the man explains, one day the dog began to bark in the direction of a barn located about 100 meters away. After a while the master couldn’t help but get up and check, but he noticed nothing strange in the courtyard. So he went to the barn, and there he found a horse stuck in the wall that he couldn’t free himself. The same dog warned his master on other occasions, for example when there were some loose horses or when a mare was about to give birth.

Likewise, according to investigators, dogs are able to tell us when someone is about to arrive. To do this, they raise their heads and run to the window to look out. But is it a sixth sense or is the animal so sensitive that it can hear the sound of footsteps? Or again, is he able to develop a routine that allows him to know when a person will be in one place rather than another?

One study, for example, has documented that dogs can sense their owners returning home. To prove this, the investigation looked at the behavior the animals exhibited when their owners left. From what has been recorded, the results are surprising. The dogs could sense the arrival of the men minutes before they arrived, and they showed their happiness by jumping to the door, barking or looking out the windows.

Finally, there is no doubt that intuition in dogs is an important contribution in our lives, and that if we learn to listen to them and interpret them they can save us from some inconvenience. Whether it is through their great hearing or smell, our little four-legged friends know how to make their owners and other living beings understand what is happening around them. Science can explain some of the things dogs do, but others will always remain a great mystery to us humans.

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