Motivation, How To Use It To Educate Your Dog

Motivation, how to use it to educate your dog

Educating the dog, teaching him a command, a behavior or to be obedient, is never easy. The key to paying attention and learning is definitely motivation. That’s why we have decided to reveal some tips and tricks to activate it in your pet. The results will be amazing.

We are not talking about professional training: even you yourself, alone at home, can teach him everything. The secret is that your dog learns naturally, precisely through the motivation that you, and only you, will be able to give him.

Educating the dog thanks to motivation

Motivation.  how to use it to educate the dog

Each dog shows attention to a specific element. Before starting any teaching program, it is crucial to find out what triggers the spark of attention  in your dog. This is precisely the factor that will make it possible to obtain any result.

The real mainspring of canine motivation rests on two forces. One internal, typical of the animal, and another external, represented by the objective. The internal force pushes the dog while the external force pushes it away.

The secret: finding a balance

It is necessary that the goal be masked, filled with curiosity. This will make it appear more interesting than other external stimuli and distractions. The secret is therefore to find a balance between the internal force, the impulse, and the external one, the goal. In fact, if the animal’s impulse is strong, the strength of the target can decrease, and vice versa.

Likewise, keeping the focus on both can make learning more difficult. Finding the midpoint will allow you to keep the animal’s attention and direct it towards your destination.

Positive reinforcement

It is a concept that we have repeatedly reiterated when we talk about teaching and training dedicated to animals. Strengthening positively means rewarding the good result of the effort. So using dog sweets or treats will help you a lot.

The dog will then associate each command with a reward, if well executed. Motivation increases, hence concentration and finally teaching becomes more effective and faster.

Skill, attitude and impulsiveness

L ‘ skills is one of the innate characteristics of the dog. It is his ability to perform an action and perfect it with attitude. On the other hand, impulsiveness represents motivation. And there are various types of impulse :

  • Hunting
  • Food
  • Branco
  • Defence
  • Game

These impulses originate in the dog and you can exploit them and play with them, using them as a lever for motivation. For example, if you want your pet to bring you an object, you will use the hunting instinct.

Frustration and stress

Motivation.  how to use it to educate the dog

Animals can also get frustrated if they don’t get what they want. Stress is the very fruit of that effort that does not get recognition. To prevent these two feelings from triggering, it is advisable to present the animal with small tests to be overcome gradually. In this way he will get used to facing difficulties and overcoming them little by little.

It therefore becomes essential to vary the tests and games, understanding the abilities and inclinations of your animal. Training and teaching must always be proportionate and adequate.

For example, protecting your pet too much can make him weak and less independent. Establish daily tests from when the dog is a puppy, to train him mentally as well.

The animal will learn to know and recognize your affection, knowing however that it will have to show you something new and different every day. Give him your love, but also the trust and support you need to overcome any challenge.

Get to know your dog

To properly motivate your four-legged friend, it is good to get to know him thoroughly. His abilities also depend on race. The Border Collie, considered to be the smartest dog in the world, a Golden Retriever or German Shepherd have a very quick learning ability. Surely greater than a Beagle, very independent, or the Afghan hound, little inclined to obedience by nature.

So, never forget to accompany motivation with a great deal of affection, perseverance and patience.

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