Deafness In Cats: Everything You Need To Know

Deafness in cats: everything you need to know

Like their older relatives, domestic cats also have a highly developed sense of hearing. But this, unfortunately, does not exclude the fact that they may have problems with the hearing system. For this reason, in this article we will tell you about  deafness in cats.

The reasons that can cause this problem are many, as we will see. Often they are even related to the breed type of the animal. There are also several methods to check for  deafness in cats , which we will help you to know. Finally, we will provide you with guidelines for living with a pet affected by this problem.

What are the causes of deafness in cats?

A kitten can be deaf from birth or lose hearing for various reasons throughout its life. This problem occurs suddenly or gradually. It is also worth clarifying that this condition manifests itself partially or totally.

Among the causes of deafness in cats, we find:

  • Old age. Like humans, as they age, cats may lose their hearing. This problem usually appears after age 10 and increases over time.
  • Untreated severe middle ear infections : due to bacteria, fungi or parasites.
  • Injuries.
  • Neurological problems.
  • Presence of tumors or polyps in the ear canal.
  • Having the dominant gene W. Some cats, wholly or partially white and with blue or different colored eyes, tend to have a greater predisposition to deafness.

a white cat with different colored eyes

It is worth remembering that domestic felines can also suffer from temporary deafness due to minor infections, wax plugs, or taking a specific medication.

A problem that can go unnoticed

If you have a cat, you know that these felines know how to hide their weaknesses very well. Therefore, even if a person knows his pet inside out, it is not always easy to detect the presence of any pathologies affecting hearing.

Furthermore, they know how to compensate for deafness using their other senses, thanks to their innate adaptability. For this reason, especially in its early stages, it is generally difficult to detect hearing loss in cats.

You certainly cannot rely on their daily behavior. It is well known that they tend to ignore their masters, answering their calls only when they wish to. However, there are some tests you can do at home to see if your cat has any hearing problems.

How to detect deafness in cats

When a cat looks in the direction of the noise source, there is no doubt that it listens very well. Conversely, if in the presence of loud sounds, the position of his ears does not change, you will have to start worrying. As if he continued to sleep despite a near and persistent noise.

Gray cat lying

Other signs that may indicate possible deafness in cats are :

  • An animal that does not greet its owners when they return home.
  • It meows very loudly, as it cannot hear itself, it will try to turn the volume up to the maximum.
  • Shows problems with balance or appears disoriented. This condition can occur if you have an infection in the middle ear.
  • Turn your head to hear a noise from the side if you have hearing problems in either of your ears.

In any case, at the slightest suspicion of deafness we advise you to immediately take your cat to the vet . The professional will carry out a series of tests to arrive at a precise diagnosis, also determining the action plan to follow.

How to live with a deaf cat

Sudden deafness can cause disorientation in your four-legged friend. Since there is no cure for this type of permanent problem, the goal will be to take care of the animal in order to improve its living conditions as much as possible.

For example, it is essential that the cat does not go out. Since he does not perceive ambient sounds, he may be the victim of an accident or be attacked by an animal he does not hear approaching.

Since there is always the possibility that he will escape, it is important that, in addition to having a microchip and a collar that identifies him, you put a label that says that he is a deaf cat.

Furthermore, inside the house it is essential to signal the presence of its owners through different signals and to look for alternative forms of communication. Although cats can sense footsteps through the vibrations of the ground, it is necessary to avoid sudden shocks and scares. You must always approach him from the front, with tranquility and avoiding sudden and abrupt actions.

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