Drever, The Short-legged Hound Of Sweden

Drever, the short-legged hound of Sweden

The Drever, also known as the Swedish Dachshund or Swedish Dachsbracke , is the smallest of the dogs born in this Scandinavian country. It is a small-sized hound or “following dog”. Let’s see together what are its characteristics and also some curiosities about this interesting dog breed.

Origin of the Drever

According to the International Dog Federation ( FCI ), the Drever belongs to group 6. This is the class that includes, in fact, the hounds and, as mentioned, was born and was developed in Sweden. The origin of the breed is relatively recent, in fact, until the middle of the last century, it was not recognized and registered as such.

At the beginning of the 20th century, the Swedes imported from Germany a breed of dogs known as Dachsbracke , bred in the well-known region of Westphalia. The crossing of these, with other groups of following dogs, gave birth to the Drever as we know it today.

Physical characteristics and breed standards

Its head is large enough in proportion to the body, which must be elongated and with short legs. The muzzle hosts a very pronounced rhinarium and this dimension is crucial to guarantee excellent olfactory and tracking abilities.

According to the breed standard, the height at the withers should be about 35 centimeters in males and 33 in females. There are no specific measures regarding weight, although it is established that the chest must be well developed, oval in shape and broad up to the elbows.

una padrona mostra il suo drever in uno show cinofilo
Source: Per Killingm

As for the coat, it’s worth remembering that the Drever’s fur is rough and smooth to the touch. It is still a  short-haired dog. As for the hue, all colors are authorized, as long as they have spots. But be careful: neither completely white nor shades close to purplish (liver color) are allowed.

Character and temperament of the Drever

Let us now see the personality of the Drever. As you can imagine, this beautiful dog retains the  qualities typical of hounds. It is a shrewd and very intelligent animal. It is a consequence of the size of his skull, very privileged and almost disproportionate to the rest of his body.

In addition, this Swedish follow dog  is tame, fearful, sometimes nervous and shy around strangers. Obviously if it is treated and cared for correctly. It gets along very well with other dogs and is ideal for family life and coexistence with children.

Advice and care

This cute  Swedish Dachsbracke is a fairly sturdy type of dog. He does not suffer from any particular genetic pathology. Obviously, you can prevent any problems related to his health by making him do enough physical activity, taking him frequently to the vet and always keeping the vaccination booklet up to date.

We recommend that, after any walks or excursions  in the open air, you carefully inspect both the legs and the ears. The fact is that, in these areas, debris and dirt can accumulate, creating a fertile territory for the proliferation of ticks and other potentially harmful microorganisms.

Due to the fact that its coat is composed of short hairs, the  care of the fur takes little time. Roughly speaking, a single brushing per week will be enough to avoid excessive accumulation of hair and any knots at the elbows (where the hair is slightly more pronounced).

If you are looking for a new dog to  adopt and you want to have a balanced, alert and attentive animal at home, the Drever is definitely for you.

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