Educating The Dog To Obey From A Puppy

Educating the dog to obedience from a puppy

A good education at an early age is the basic foundation for building a healthy relationship with your pet. So that both of you can understand each other and live together, it is important to set clear boundaries from a puppy. To do this, you will need to educate the dog to obedience as soon as he enters his new home.

Respect for roles will not only result in a more balanced and pleasant coexistence, but will allow to manage behaviors, solving any unusual or destructive attitudes at the root. Security, trust and respect can only be taught if you know how to educate the dog to obedience when he is still very young.

Useful tips for novice owners

A puppy usually takes 4 to 6 months to complete its training. When we talk about the ‘basic’ training of the animal, we are talking about the phase during which it  learns to do the toilet outside the home and understands the commands of the owner, completing them.

Believe it or not, size is a determining factor when a person starts training their pet. A smaller breed dog, for example, will have a smaller bladder size and will need to go out more often, compared to a larger sized dog .

The previous living conditions of the animal will also affect. A puppy who has been in a violent environment or who has experienced traumatic experiences tends to behave defensively at the beginning of your relationship.

White puppy next to bowl and doghouse

Try to give it enough space and let it get used to you. The worst way to treat a dog with post-traumatic stress is to force him to do something.

You may discover old habits that your puppy has internalized in his previous home that don’t go along with your lifestyle. Don’t try to force change arbitrarily or too quickly. Try to understand why he behaves this way and teach him the benefits of different behavior through treats or strokes.

What to do once the puppy is home?

Given the curious nature of younger animals, you will need to  establish a confined space where your puppy can be at peace. You can set it up by installing doors in the kitchen or creating a space all for him, with the classic bowls of food and water in a room of the house.

The most important thing is to evaluate the importance of positive stimuli in the puppy’s education. Instead of teaching him the consequences of their actions in an abrupt way, try to educate him to do what is most beneficial to him and which involves a reward.

Beagle indoors with tail up and tongue out

If your dog starts barking, appears restless, or sniffs the front door, he probably needs to go outside to meet his physiological needs. Over time you will learn to recognize these signs, thus avoiding some minor domestic accidents. Which, although unpleasant, should never be followed by punishments against your little four-legged friend.

What shouldn’t you do if your puppy is misbehaving?

The attitude you will show when your pet makes a mistake is crucial to developing a healthy relationship based on respect. So let’s see three elements that you will always have to keep clear in mind:

  • If the puppy does his business around the house, don’t punish him. He is learning how to do them and creating trauma or frightening him for something so natural is not necessary.
  • When you discover the damage already done by the puppy and that you do not see “live”, there is no need to scold it. Since some time has already passed, the puppy will not be able to connect what he did with the punishment. Any reproach, if absolutely necessary, must be done on the spot.
  • If there is any accident at home related to his needs, clean everything thoroughly to remove odors and prevent the puppy from falling back into the mistake.

Positive reinforcement training is key to improving his education and your bond as well. It is the only way to push the animal to follow suitable and right behaviors, which will always be rewarded.

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