Free Two Baby Elephants After Spending 50 Years In Chains

Free two baby elephants after spending 50 years in chains

There are still those who argue that the circus offers some animals greater protection than their natural habitat, but this does not take into account the most important element in the existence of any living being: freedom, the natural right to live according to nature. This is what happened to this pair of elephants.

It could be said that the story we are about to tell you has a happy ending, provided that it can be defined as a happy ending to be released after 50 years of suffering, an eternity during which one has been a prisoner.

This news will not have an ending worthy of a family film, but it has its own moral: justice, at times, is slow in coming, but it arrives, even if in some cases the damage suffered can no longer be recovered.

A hell called a circus for the two elephantesses


The incident happened in India, in the city of Tiruvannamalai and the victims are called Mia and Sita, two elephants who were given inhuman treatment  that turned them into slaves, humiliating them day after day for half a century.

During this infinite time, they both went through a series of health problems, caused by the poor conditions in which they lived.

Mia, the more rebellious of the two, had painful sores on her legs, caused by the circus workers’ refusal to let her lie down.

Sadly, Sia’s injuries were much more serious. 

  • The condition of her right leg gradually worsened over the years due to a painful fracture that didn’t even allow her to sit down.
  • The left leg, on the other hand, had inflamed wounds that had filled with abscesses and this too prevented her from resting.

    This terrible hell to which the elephants were chained, has recently ended, thanks to Wildlife SOS, an organization for the recovery and rehabilitation of animals,  which has restored their freedom.

    Back to life

    When Mia and Sita were freed from their chains and put on the truck that took them to the shelter, the joy they felt was so great that Sita began to swing her trunk.

    This gesture of his reassured the rescuers; Faced with the conditions in which they had lived for 50 years in the circus, the big question was how the two animals would react to the change.

    Learn to lead a normal life


    Once she got out of the truck, Mia showed great happiness, who was finally able to lie down on the warm earth, close her eyes and rest, after being forced to stand up for so many years.

    Meanwhile, Sita took a delightful dip in the shelter’s large tank, which, according to Wildlife SOS volunteers, she has probably never had the opportunity to do in her entire life.

    Too much time spent in the circus could make it difficult for them to return to their natural habitat; however, they both began to behave like other elephants and to make friends with other members of the same species.

    It is impossible to make up for lost time

    Mia and Sita’s life has resumed the course it should have always had, but this is only a meager satisfaction, since nothing can give them back the fifty years lost in the hell of the circus.

    Someone will think that the reality of these animals will hardly change, but perhaps this news helps to be more aware and to remind those who have forgotten it that no living being should be enslaved.

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