Guidelines For Cleaning Cat’s Mouth

Guidelines for cleaning a cat's mouth

Although cats are very clean animals by definition, there are some operations for the care of hygiene that require the intervention of you owners. Even if it seems like something complicated, you will have to be the one to take care of  cleaning the cat’s mouth.

The simple saliva or chewing of your four-legged friend is not enough to keep the teeth clean. The accumulation of dirt and food debris can trigger even serious pathologies, which can even culminate in the loss of teeth. In this article we will explain how to  clean your cat’s mouth effectively and thus improve the quality of life of your cat.

How should you clean your cat’s mouth?

It is possible that like many, it happens to you that you do not know how to perform an oral cleaning for your cat. The risk is to never face the problem, continually putting it off. Well, for this approach to change, you need to understand the importance of these dental hygiene operations.

The first thing to remember is that oral cleaning is of great importance as plaque builds up between the teeth, mixing with small particles of saliva and food. Eventually, the proliferation of bacteria will lead to a very dangerous infection for your pet.

Your cat may start to suffer from gingivitis or periodontitis and even lose their teeth, not to mention other health problems that can cause digestive upset.

Follow these tips to ensure your cat has proper dental hygiene:


Food is one of the first points to consider, since many foods are designed to take care of the cat’s teeth. For example, let’s talk about specialized feeds or accessories that help clean your teeth and keep them healthy.

Cat eats from the bowl

Cats that eat a raw diet or eat wet food have greater cleaning problems, as this type of food does not trigger sufficient chewing. Dry food, on the other hand, forces the animal to chew and break treats and biscuits, favoring a friction movement that allows you to clean the teeth.

Always buy high-quality feeds that force the cat to chew and thus ensure better oral cleaning. This will allow you to clean the cat’s mouth without too much effort and limiting the discomfort for the animal.

Toothpastes and toothbrushes for cats

The first thing to do is to buy the right teeth and mouth cleaning tools for your cat. We advise you to ask your veterinarian for an opinion, who will indicate the most suitable brands and products. Many recommend special aerosol products for cats, but the truth is that most cats can be afraid of the noise from this diffuser. No one knows your pet better than you and we are sure that you will always know how to choose well for him.

The toothbrush  must be suitable for the size of the cat, with soft and adaptable bristles that allow you to get to clean every corner of the mouth. Remember that it  is forbidden to use human toothpastes : elements such as fluoride could cause serious intoxication. In pet stores you will find many products that contain substances suitable for your cats

Get your pet used to dental cleaning

In order to make this experience less traumatic, you will need to act calmly and quietly. Avoid forcing this new situation which could scare the cat. First,  put some cat toothpaste on your finger  and let it sniff and lick it.

Master brushes the cat's teeth

Do this for several days in a row until you see that it will no longer be a problem for your pet. Well, now you can proceed to clean the cat’s mouth.

The actual cleaning of the teeth

The most delicate moment is to start brushing your pet’s teeth. If you think he might rebel, struggling with bites and scratches, wear long sleeves and gloves or ask someone else to help you with the operation.

Put some cat toothpaste on the toothbrush, moisten it with water and start brushing gently, being careful not to touch the gums. Once finished, carefully check the cat’s mouth to make sure it is clean and give it a treat. This serves, even if he has not behaved too well, to make him associate cleaning his mouth with something positive. Next time, he will be more receptive.

You already know that all the news regarding your pets needs patience and perseverance. But, if you follow these simple tips, in no time you will be able to clean the cat’s mouth accurately and precisely. Thus improving his general health.

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