5 Tips For Taking Care Of A Blind Dog

5 tips for taking care of a blind dog

Over the years, pets’ senses can end up deteriorating, which is normal. Let’s talk, for example, about sight and hearing, those that can be most affected by old age. While many think that having a blind dog is an insurmountable problem, in reality your life together can continue in much the same way. Just consider some elements to help the animal, such as eliminating objects that can hinder the movements of your best friend. In this article we will give you a series of tips for taking care of a visually impaired dog.

Recommendations for keeping a blind dog

Obviously, having a dog that has gone blind due to age or illness is not the same as having your pet already born with this problem. Nor can we talk about similar conditions if the dog has been recently adopted or, on the contrary, has lived all his life with you, in the same house.

In any case, it is essential that you take care to offer everything you need and that his days are as peaceful and comfortable as possible. Pay attention to the following 5 useful tips to keep a blind dog in the best possible way:

1. Don’t worry excessively

One of owners’ first reactions when they discover their dog is blind is to obsessively protect it from anything. In short, without realizing that in many cases that attitude can have negative consequences. Even if the animal does not see, it can still live happily and be self-sufficient.

Dogs are unaware of their new “state” and adapt to develop the other four senses. In turn, you must not forget that smell and hearing are much more reliable than the eyes, even when they are working.

Therefore, your dog will be able to continue to live normally, to play, to smell tracks, to sleep and be pampered by you… Because for him life is always the same, except for one ‘detail’: blindness.

2. Make small changes to your home

Following the previous advice, it is not worthwhile to completely renovate the house and change the position of all the furniture to prevent the animal from tripping  over the more protruding ones. Do not forget that the dog has lived for a long time in that environment and it could be said that every chair, table or bed represents a small point of reference Especially since it does not see as before.

blind dog lying down

Of course you have to be careful and remove those objects that could be dangerous to his health, but everything else should remain in the same place. Try to always keep everything tidy and clean and, if there are stairs in the apartment, you will have to protect or close the access so that your pet does not fall and get hurt.

3. Leave his things in the same place

Dogs need to follow a routine, whether they are blind or not, because that way they are calmer and more obedient. Therefore, you shouldn’t change the location of what you use most often. Like the dog bed, the food and water bowls, his favorite toys, etc. This will lead to getting used to and orienting more at home.

Also, it would be nice to continue playing with him as he was used to before. For example, when you come home from work or while watering the plants. Remember that the animal does not understand what has happened to him and everything remains the same for him, so don’t let him get depressed by lack of affection, attention or fun.

4. Take him to the park

One of the most common mistakes, among blind dog owners, is to never let them leave the house, because they fear for their safety. However, it is very important that an animal in this condition continues to maintain contact with others in a park or in an outdoor space.

blind dog in the woods

In turn, the outings are ideal for changing the environment, discharging energy, overcoming boredom and, above all, being happy. To avoid any inconvenience, always take him on a leash and be careful when crossing the road. You will be his guide and his eyes at all times. A way to return the affection and the joys it has given you all these years. It is precisely in times of need that  true friends are recognized !

5. Help him stimulate the other senses

Having a blind dog is undoubtedly a challenge and there is no telling how the animal will react at certain times. In order for your pet not to depend so much on you, it would be nice to teach him to use his sense of smell and hearing more. As you develop both senses further you will not notice the difference between the present and the past.

Offering him objects with your smell, hiding them and inviting him to find them, is a simple but very useful and effective game. Speak loud and clear, touch him often and make him feel that you are always close to him (so he will never feel fear). Some people, for example, decide to wear a bell or other noisy systems. It is a good idea: this way you will alert the animal of your presence and, thanks to hearing, it will know how to locate you every time you move.

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