Let’s Get To Know The Welsh Corgi Cardigan Together

Let's get to know the Welsh Corgi Cardigan together

The Corgi, thanks to the internet, is also known outside England, its home country, where it is very popular. Thanks to his likeable appearance and handsome character,  he has all the qualities to be the king of viral videos. There are two types of Welsh Corgi, although in this article we will focus on the Welsh Corgi Cardigan.

History of the Welsh Corgi Cardigan

First, we must say that the  Corgi is one of the oldest breeds in England,  as the first specimens appeared about 3000 years ago.

He lives and works on farms, although he was born as  a guard and herding dog, and is considered the smallest breed to play this role.  He grazed cattle by biting their hind legs to control them.

Over the years, other herding dog breeds have emerged, and breeders have stopped using the Corgi. In fact, it  was nearly extinct,  until the differences between the Welsh Corgi Pembroke and the Welsh Corgi Cardigan were outlined in 1934, and clubs from both races began promoting them. Today the former is the most popular, but the Cardigan is in no danger.


The Welsh Corgi Cardigan  is a small dog compared to other herding dogs. As an adult it measures about 30 centimeters at the withers and weighs more than 15 kg. However, it does have a tendency to put on weight, and it is common to see overweight Corgi.

Its body is elongated with short legs with strong bones, which give it a compact and strong appearance at the same time. It has some features in common with the Dachshund.

Its head resembles that of a fox. The muzzle is triangular and elongated, with a black nose. The ears are very large compared to the rest of the body, with rounded and erect tips.

The most obvious physical difference between the Welsh Corgi Cardigan and the Pembroke is found in the tail:  that of the Cardigan is long and thick, with soft fur like that of foxes. The Pembroke, on the other hand, does not have it or is very short.

Its coat can be either short or very short, with a very thick undercoat. This breed has a coat of various colors: mottled blue, brown, brindle, red, tricolor with some black areas or tricolor with white areas. The nose, the chest and the line that goes down to the abdomen are white in color.

Welsh Corgi Cardigan on the bench


The Welsh Corgi Cardigan is a dog that  is used to graze cows and oxen. Because of his height, he has to be brave and loud  in order to do his job at best.

He is very loyal to his human family and, as a dog that takes care of protecting the land, he is wary of strangers. He does not get along well with other dogs and does not seem to enjoy himself in the presence of his peers. On the contrary, it is sociable with other animal species.

It is an active and intelligent dog who needs to let off steam both mentally and physically. A bored and stressed Welsh Corgi will tend to treat their owners as if they were the cattle they take to pasture: by biting their ankles.

It is easy to train him because of his intelligence, but always rewarding him and not scolding him. Being brave, he will not listen to anyone who uses force with him.

How to take care of it

Since he is in good health, all  you have to do is guarantee him periodic visits to the vet. 

Being a dog with an elongated body,  you have to check the condition of his back: pain, contractures or fatigue are the most frequent problems. He can suffer from hip dysplasia and eye diseases.

Also, it  tends to obesity,  so you have to pay attention to its nutrition. In addition, he has to do a lot of physical activity.

This breed has survived for more than 3,000 years thanks to its courage, its skills in work and the loyalty it shows towards its human family. Here are the reasons why it is so popular on the web.

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