How To Breed A Labrador

How to raise a Labrador

Exactly the same strategies are used in dog training regardless of breed. However, the educational process must be shaped according to the characteristics of each breed, especially in relation to size, activity and also certain aspects of character. As for Labradors, you need to know that they are dogs with a lot of energy but also extremely docile, so breeding them is quite simple. You will find below some tips on how to  raise a Labrador.  First of all, you need to know the origins of this breed. The Labrador breed derives from a cross between the Saint John (or San Giovanni in Italian) water dog and the Newfoundland. These dogs were used as working dogs.They were mainly used as rescue dogs for animals killed during hunting. This cross was aimed at obtaining  a very intelligent and active dog that was at the same time docile and gentle.  It can be said that today Labradors are the pets par excellence. It is one of the most famous and most widespread breeds in the world.

How to raise a Labrador the right way

Being working animals, they require a lot of daily exercise. Dogs of this breed have a marked tendency to get bored, especially if locked up in tight spaces and if they are not taken out often. Their habit of biting objects depends on boredom. Providing them with rubber toys to bite (especially if they are puppies) is a precaution that will greatly facilitate the educational process. Labradors are large breed dogs that are very strong and energetic. It is  better to have a sturdy leash, to use even when they are puppies. In general it can be said that they are not dogs made to be in small spaces, for example in an apartment. They need a lot of movement and love to run and swim, but also play with the ball or any object that the owner throws at them.

girl hugs labrador

One thing to keep in mind to raise Labradors the right way is socialization. They are not aggressive dogs (behavior that they could take if they are not properly trained), but they can weigh up to 40 kilos and the size is important. Due to their size they could accidentally hurt someone. They are very affectionate dogs with great charisma. They must be educated from an early age to avoid jumping on people or chasing other animals (remember that they have a strong instinct as retrievers).

They are also predisposed to suffer from dermatological diseases. Brushing them should be a habit to get used to since they are puppies. You have to brush it at least 4 times a week. Labradors lose a lot of hair which, if not eliminated, gives rise to annoying and unsightly knots.

Separation anxiety is a phenomenon that occurs frequently in this breed. In general,  Labradors hate being alone. They will develop destructive behaviors if they have not been accustomed to this circumstance in the right way. They should not be left alone out of the blue, you may find a “nice” surprise upon your return. You must try to leave your dog alone for a few minutes; little by little you will increase the time frame, depending on how the dog reacts. If on your return the dog  is particularly effusive, avoid giving him a  lot of cuddles. Remember that an overprotective attitude on the part of the owner favors the onset of anxiety in the dog.

family with dogs

Labradors are great for families, are good with children, and generally have a good temperament. Thanks to their size, they tolerate the games of the children of the house, without suffering any damage. The playful character depends on the fact that Labradors, as well as the boxer, have a long childhood. They are considered adults from the third year of life.

Labradors tend to run away from home if they are not educated properly, which  is a way for them to escape boredom. You need to keep your eyes open to prevent your dog from getting lost or getting under a car. They are also very noisy dogs, so, we insist, it is important to train them in the right way to avoid these unpleasant behaviors and that the situation gets out of hand.

In short, if raised in the right way, Labradors are affectionate and playful dogs, always ready to work with you.

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