The Abyssinian, The Cat With A Curious Look

The Abyssinian, the cat with a curious look

If cats are known for their curiosity, the Abyssinian with its curious gaze surpasses them all. But it’s not just about that. His eyes are deep, expressive and express great vivacity. Its stylized body and slightly wild figure are reminiscent of a puma. This is elegance made cat, and it almost seems that this beautiful animal comes directly from the time when cats were considered gods in Ancient Egypt.

The origins of this breed are not known with absolute certainty. The most widespread version claims that the Abyssinian was introduced to Europe in 1868 by a member of the British army who, upon returning from the African region of Abyssinia (now Ethiopia), brought with him a cat named Zula. According to some, Zula arrived pregnant with an African wild cat. According to others, the cat mated in English lands with a decidedly British cat. What is certain is that the official presentation of the Abyssinian took place in 1871 and that it was recognized 11 years later. At the beginning of the last century it was then brought to the United States, which helped to avoid its extinction due to the Second World War and a feline leukemia epidemic that spread to the old continent.

Some people claim that the breed was created in England from animals with mottled fur, another particular of the Abyssinian. However, the most recent genetic studies seem to trace its origin to the Indian Ocean coast of Southeast Asia.

A sweet cat, playful and in need of affection 


If you are considering adopting a cat because you believe it will require less attention and care than a dog, the Abyssinian is certainly not for you.

If, on the other hand, you want a vital animal, with a desire to play and that constantly asks and offers you affection, there is no doubt that this is the best option. Curiosity is not just an expression of his eyes, but a characteristic of his personality. It is a very active cat: it jumps, climbs, inspects every corner and even has the courage to swim. At the same time, however, it is quiet and manageable. It is not a cat that strays or wanders too much, and is easily frightened by strange noises or situations.

Sensitive and intelligent, he has a cheerful and lively character that will fade if you leave him alone. If there is not a constant presence of humans around him, he will immediately point out his sadness. He usually manages to develop a very strong emotional bond with family members, and will always accompany them in their moods. In the face of strangers, however, he assumes a reserved character, keeping his distance.

Some details to consider:

  • Trim her nails short to preserve your furniture, curtains and even your shoulders. That’s right, maybe it’s best to know that these adorable cats could jump on you when you least expect it.
  • Get him toys to keep him busy and stimulate his intelligence.
  • Provide adequate nutrition for the level of energy expended, which is high.
  • Even if he is able to adapt easily to the most diverse spaces – he can live in an apartment, as long as he is free to move wherever he wants – the ideal thing for him would be to be able to count on a garden, a courtyard or a terrace to run, climb and play freely.
  • Given his skills as a climber, make sure he doesn’t get into accidents. If you do not live on the ground floor, use some type of protection or fencing for the windows, balconies and terraces.

 Physical characteristics of the curious looking cat


  • Agile and muscular body. It is also slender and slender.
  • Medium and proportionate size.
  • Head slightly triangular and thin, with a firm chin.
  • Large and separated ears. They are not excessively pointed, have a slightly rounded shape at the ends, and help to give it an expression that is always at attention.
  • Almond-shaped eyes of green, yellow or brown color.
  • Dark nose.
  • Long, thin legs.
  • Tail with thick hair, tapered at the tip.
  • Short, bright and thick coat. Brushing it once a week will be enough.
  • The most common colors are coppery and different shades of brown.
  • Spotted coat in light tones, each hair has two or three colors, a typical characteristic of the breed that increases the contrast with the dominant shade.

Keep in mind that the Abyssinians are prone to suffer from certain diseases, such as chronic renal failure, so it will be essential to carry out periodic checks at your veterinarian to ensure that this wonderful animal with an eternal puppy soul, is always healthy and happy.

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