Kennel Cough: A Very Common And Easy To Cure Disease

Kennel cough: a very common and easy to treat disease

The kennel cough is a form of light bronchitis, also known as tracheobronchitis infectious canine . It is a very contagious disease of the respiratory tract, even if it is not difficult to cure and is relatively little dangerous, as well as not being contagious to humans.

It can happen that your dog gets a dry cough after taking a walk in the cold, or if you have not dried his coat well after bathing him, if he has spent a long time lying on an ice- cold floor or maybe if he has recently been in contact with other dogs. In this case, you should not be alarmed, but you will have to keep this cough under control.

How it is transmitted

This disease is caused by an anaerobic virus that spreads when the dog sneezes or coughs. Since contact with its peers is essential for dogs, it is obvious that a single sick dog can end up infecting many others, during harmless activities such as playing, walking or even just sleeping side by side.

This respiratory syndrome is called “kennel cough” precisely because crowding and cold environments – characteristic of these places – are the main causes that facilitate the spread of this disease. Other factors that favor the infection are: poor ventilation, stress  and lack of hygiene.

Symptoms of the disease

dog at the door

Kennel cough occurs as a dry, persistent cough, which usually gets worse after exercising or when the dog is agitated. Sometimes it is possible that other symptoms may also appear, such as, for example, nasal discharge of fluid.

The dog with this disease usually has no other complaints other than a cough, so he  will eat, play and remain alert and active as usual. This is not a serious disease, although complications can arise if the lungs  become filled with water.

In spite of everything,  care must be taken if the dog in question is a puppy of a few weeks or if it is an animal that has already had problems with the respiratory tract. Puppies with a depressed immune system are also at risk for complications and, in the worst case, even pneumonia can develop.


It is usually a disease that disappears after a few weeks and usually does not require specific therapy or the intervention of the veterinarian. It can be treated with an antitussive to shorten the course of the disease, during which the isolation of the animal is recommended to avoid infecting other dogs.


sick dog

Due to the fact that it spreads through the air, kennel cough is a very difficult disease to avoid. However, you can strengthen your dog’s defenses to ensure that his body is able to fight the virus and that no complications arise during the course of the disease.

The easiest way to strengthen your four-legged friend’s defenses is through  good nutrition. Keep in mind that feeding  and feeding in this case do not mean the same thing: your dog must therefore follow a diet rich in nutrients, able to improve his immune system and strengthen his respiratory system.

Maintaining your dog’s hygiene is also vitally important, not only to avoid this disease, but many others as well. Try to keep your dog in well-ventilated places and, as far as possible, avoid exposing him to situations that would cause him stress.

In case you notice that your dog is not well, isolate him during the period in which the cough is contagious: this will prevent the virus from spreading. It is also good to avoid that your dog is in contact with other sick dogs.

If you have more than four dogs, it will be best to vaccinate them once a year, since the more animals in the house increase, the greater the risk of contracting kennel cough. Also remember to always protect your friend from the cold by letting him sleep on a blanket or mat and keeping him sheltered during the coldest times of the year.

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