My Dog ​​is Jealous Of My Partner

When you start a romantic relationship, there is likely to be some inconvenience between your partner and your pet in trying to get used to the new situation. When introducing a new partner to the family, it can happen that some relatives show jealousy, and the same thing can happen to your dog. So don’t be surprised if your four-legged friend is jealous of your companion. We explain how to cope with the problem.

Admit it: your dog is jealous of your new partner

People used to living with animals know very well how jealous they can become, especially when a new member appears in the family – whether it is a new animal or a human being.

In this regard, scholars, who thanks to their ability to investigate always manage to go beyond the simple fact, have recently discovered that jealousy also belongs to the animal world, although some think it is an exclusively human feeling.

Some specialists from the University of San Diego, California, USA, have managed to record, through some evidence, the suffering experienced by dogs when they believe that someone (or something) can steal their owner’s affection from them.

How to prevent your dog from feeling jealous of your partner

To begin with, put yourself in the shoes of your dog, who previously was the absolute star of your attention and now, suddenly, is forced to share space with an intruder or intruder.

For this reason, it is best to avoid things getting complicated and look for the best way to make puppy and partner coexist in harmony.

So ask your new love for help. Together you will surely be able to achieve the goal of a happy coexistence. And to center it, there are several methods available to you.

It signals that your dog is jealous

How will your puppy show you his jealousy? Pay attention to the following changes in his behavior:

  • He shows irritable when your partner appears. He barks at him insistently, tries to prevent him from accessing some areas of the house and, in extreme cases, even goes so far as to attack.
  • Become possessive of yourself. It sticks to you at any time of the day to prevent your partner from getting close.
  • It reacts by destroying various objects in the house in an attempt to get your attention.
  • He gets depressed and loses interest in daily activities.

Tips to keep your dog from being jealous

The most important thing is that both you and your partner make it clear to the pet that he will not lose your affection. So:

  • Pay them as much attention as ever, if not more. Don’t make him feel like he’s been pushed aside because of your new relationship situation.
  • Make your four-legged friend associate your partner with affectionate gestures towards him: caresses, rewards, games or walks.
  • Never chastise him for his reactions. It will only make the situation worse.
  • Correct his wrong attitudes with patience, affection, and lots of positive reinforcement.

If your pet’s jealousy continues or even worsens despite these remedies, perhaps you should take your pet to an expert in animal behavior before the situation becomes irreparable.

The happiness of being three

Nobody likes to feel replaced, so be understanding if your dog feels jealous of the new partner and analyze all the actions to be taken. Perhaps you will realize that you yourself have attitudes with him that only awaken the feeling of jealousy.

Therefore, keep in mind that affection and dedication are essential in order not to risk that your romantic sentimental situation is marred by episodes of canine jealousy. With patience and perseverance you get everything, do not doubt it.

You will see that over time your puppy will feel very happy that he has gained a new member of his family, someone else who loves, cuddles and cares for him as much as you do.

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