Raw Diet For Dogs

Raw dog diet

The raw diet for dogs sometimes generates a lot of controversy, but do you really know what this type of diet consists of?

Let’s see what it is. The raw diet relies on a type of diet based on the intake of raw meat, bones, fruits and vegetables. Purebred greyhounds and sled dogs, for example, feed in this way.

The raw diet is often also called BARF ( acronym for Biologically Appropriate Raw Food) which in Italian means eating raw or biologically adequate bones and foods.

Below we explain in more detail and tell some more details about this diet.

What is the raw dog diet?


Proponents of the raw diet ensure that adult dogs stay healthy and fit if they follow an evolutionary diet similar to that of their ancestors, when they had not yet been domesticated, that is, by eating raw bones and plant remains.

Those in favor of this type of diet claim that it is much healthier for most animals than refined foods.

However, more conservative vets disagree with the raw diet, stating that it can put a dog’s health at risk.

Benefits of the raw dog diet

  • Brighter coat
  • Healthier skin
  • Cleaner teeth
  • Higher energy level
  • Smaller stools

The potential risks, on the other hand, are the following:

  • Meat bacteria can pose a risk to both dogs and humans.
  • An unbalanced diet, if followed for a prolonged period, can cause damage to the dog’s health.
  • While biting into a bone, the dog could choke, break a tooth or injure himself with a splinter.

How to prepare a raw diet

A diet based on raw food for dogs involves the intake of the following foods:

  • meat, especially the marrow;
  • entrails, such as liver and kidneys;
  • raw eggs ;
  • vegetables such as broccoli, spinach and celery;
  • apples or other fruit;
  • some dairy products, such as yogurt.

A hypothetical nutritional plan based on these foods could be the following:

  • in the morning a yogurt;
  • in the evening minced pork, turkey or beef with a little rice.

The economic cost of this raw diet varies according to the ingredients purchased and the way they are prepared.

If you are feeding your dog fresh game, beware of lead buckshot!

We advise you to freeze the meat for at least twenty-four hours, before giving it to your furry friend: in this way you will eliminate the parasites. If, on the other hand, you know where the meat comes from, you can avoid this step.

The voice of those who are against it


Some nutrition specialists have carried out studies on different dog diets and warn that many dog ​​owners have opted for a raw diet based solely on unverified information and thanks to the bad publicity being made against refined pet food.

For owners who want to avoid ready-made dog food, vets recommend a homemade diet devised by a nutritionist.

Studies conducted by this group of specialists examined five raw diets, three homemade and two based on commercial products.

According to the data that emerged, all diets have nutritional deficits or excesses which, in the long run, can cause serious health problems to the dog.

For example, a raw, homemade diet may not provide enough calcium and phosphorus and thus lead to bone fractures or tooth problems. Depending on the quality of the diet, calcium and phosphorus may be difficult to digest properly, even if they are present in the right amount.

Studies conducted on the raw diet also highlighted the presence of bacterial contamination.

In addition, four samples of canned food and croquettes were also examined: in all these pre-cooked and refined foods the presence of the bacterium E. coli was found.


If your dog has pancreatitis or other digestive problems, we recommend starting a homemade diet with cooked foods. Dogs that have cancer, that are undergoing chemotherapy treatment or those animals that have diseases that attack the immune system should not eat raw food.

Puppies should also avoid eating a raw diet.

It is always important to remember that if a dog does not get enough calcium and phosphorus, he can suffer from bone deformities and growth problems.

The image was kindly provided by Demo

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